Mormons do not have any religious restrictions to keep them from being on mental health meds or any others that I am aware of. They can't drink coffee, smoke take alcohol or drugs. And if there were a medical reason for the use of caffeine, I don't know of any LDS person I have ever known that would get all JW about not partaking of it. OTOH, I don't know of any reasons why caffeine or booze would be prescribed. . . This kid was not a practicing mormon and was publically accepted by his mom. That he never fit in doesn't mean he was being abused or hated or hurt in any deliberate way. I have known gay LDS people(or former LDS people) who had funerals in an LDS church that were well attended by people who loved and cared for them their whole lives until they died of AIDS. My experience with the LDS culture was not anything like the JW one, and while a person can be excommunicated religiously, there was no requirement for any LDS person to cut a ex member out of their lives (though I am sure that some do, just like some catholics or baptists etc do)