Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)

by Simon 274 Replies latest social current

  • Junction-Guy

    I will adress one aspect about the Bakery case. In this instance they would have their hand specifically in the event, also not to forget the photographers who have been sued for not filming a gay wedding. There is a difference in baking a cake and selling it to someone or refusing to sell, and making a specific cake with a specific message on the cake (whether it be 2 female cake toppers or 2 male. or congratulations Lisa and Maureen) the difference is one selling a good, where the other is more like catering to a service.

    Put yourself in someone elses shoes--suppose you have JW's that frequent your business, you gladly serve them cakes, then one day they want you to bake a cake and put on it (Happy 140th anniversary Watchtower Society) I am sorry, (well actually I am not), but there is no way I could do such a thing, and I would have to speak up out of religious beliefs that I can not cater any event that celebrates the longetivity of the WT Society. I could not in any way shape or form be a partaker in anything that promotes the WT Society. For as ever much how wrong I believe the Watchtower is--there are just as many people who believe that gay marriage is just as wrong and don't want any part of it.

  • littlerockguy

    Has anybody ever seen a religious restaurant owner turn away gluttons on a basis of his sincerely held religious beliefs?

  • DJS


    We have already effectively addressed your latest erroneous and specious whine. Yes, I would bake a cake that said Happy 140 Watchtower if that was the service I provided. I would also clean their toilets if that is the service I provided. My personal feelings have nothing to do with it; you might try that (making life decisions based on rational thought and ethics rather than 'feelings'. It is a more highly evolved way to live).

    Read the other posts; this has been covered. It is a specious, whiney ass meaningless emotional and reactionary argument that the courts, and I, couldn't care less about.

    "For as ever much how wrong I believe the Watchtower is--there are just as many people who believe that gay marriage is just as wrong and don't want any part of it." Then don't marry a gay person. Or practice your hate inside your homes and your churches. It really is that simple.

  • Viviane
    I will adress one aspect about the Bakery case. In this instance they would have their hand specifically in the event, also not to forget the photographers who have been sued for not filming a gay wedding.

    Yes, because that's the service they went into business to offer. It's not being part of the ceremony. Most custom cakes ARE for an event and that's the service they decided to offer. Same with the photographer.

    There is a difference in baking a cake and selling it to someone or refusing to sell, and making a specific cake with a specific message on the cake (whether it be 2 female cake toppers or 2 male. or congratulations Lisa and Maureen) the difference is one selling a good, where the other is more like catering to a service.

    What is the difference? They are making wedding cakes. What is the difference between making a custom cake and making a custom cake and delivering it that it suddenly becomes morally offensive? How is it OK to provide a cake for fornicators but not gay people? Both are sins.

    I could not in any way shape or form be a partaker in anything that promotes the WT Society.

    The last two companies I worked for had the WTBS as customers. I had no problem with it and found it deliciously ironic that the sales to them helped fund my apostate lifestyle.

    For as ever much how wrong I believe the Watchtower is--there are just as many people who believe that gay marriage is just as wrong and don't want any part of it.


  • Junction-Guy

    DJS, some people have convictions that aren't up for sale--it is rare nowadays, but there still are some.

    I am pro-life, and I would also refuse to cater to any planned parenthood event too.

    Some people have convictions, and others blow as the wind blows, and sell their soul for a buck.

  • Viviane
    DJS, some people have convictions that aren't up for sale--it is rare nowadays, but there still are some.

    Yes, they are. That's exactly the point. They will bake a gay or make a flower arrangement for gay couples or fornicators, both "sins" according to the Bible and then suddenly decide that a specific instance is wrong and next time it's OK.

    That's very definition of hypocrisy and convictions up for sales.

    Some people have convictions, and others blow as the wind blows, and sell their soul for a buck.

    Sorry, unless you follow the Bible 100% (since you claim to be a Christian) you are picking and choosing your morals and convictions are you go.

  • Junction-Guy

    Vivianne, there is a difference in feeding people and feeding their agenda.

    As for baking cakes for fornicators, well I guess if someone came to me and wanted me to cater their unwed daughters "losing her virginity" party--well I probably wouldn't cater that either.

    The thing is most christians I know would be the first to feed anyone who was in need. The liberals are all about show and if it doesn't fit their agenda, they wouldn't feed anyone. The gays I have known would step right over a homeless person in a ditch to get to their gay pride meeting or political action forum---leaving the poor hungry person to be fed by the christian.

  • Viviane
    As for baking cakes for fornicators, well I guess if someone came to me and wanted me to cater their unwed daughters "losing her virginity" party--well I probably wouldn't cater that either.

    That's a very weird example that doesn't make sense.

    Bakers make cakes for unwed couple having sex all the time without a problem. They make cakes for the birth of children from unwed couples, cakes for bachelor parties that will have naked women present, cakes for gay couples.

    They only draw the line at weddings, so clearly the issue isn't a strongly help Christian conviction because they are picking and choosing their morals.

    The liberals are all about show and if it doesn't fit their agenda, they wouldn't feed anyone.

    Well, that's just irrelevant, stupid and false.

    The gays I have known would step right over a homeless person in a ditch to get to their gay pride meeting or political action forum---leaving the poor hungry person to be fed by the christian.

    Ah, yes, is this when you were on the down low, I mean, undercover, in these gay organizations and being propositions by married gay men?

    Good job on dehumanizing, insulting, lying about and demeaning an entire group of humans just so you can feel justified in in defending your cherry picking of morals and religion and obvious issues with sexuality.


  • Junction-Guy

    Well I guess I can only go on my own experiences and what I have seen with my own eyes. I think my fornicator scenario summed it up well---this was separating the act from the person. Christians are called to help others and feed the hungry--not to participate in events that grieve a just and mighty God.

    I will feed anyone who is hungry--gay, straight, whatever, but I will not participate in an event that I believe is totally against God. Which means I wouldn't support a gay marriage, planned parenthood, the KKK, the Watchtower, and several others.

  • Viviane

    Your attempts to dehumanize an entire group of humans to justify your own issues with sexuality by cherry picking morality and scripture are disgusting and a poor example of a human.

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