Just as i thought... the CD Library says 'our day' as well.
thankyou all.
what about this from the 1966 awake?...Awake! Oct 8 1966:
‘We are nearing the end of the first six thousand years of man’s existence.
If the date of the creation of man (4026 B.C) is also the date of the beginning
of the seventh creative day or sabbath, it is therefore calculated that the end of the first 6,000 years of this 7,000-year-long day will take place in the year 1975. Since the last thousand years of this seventh day are to be occupied entirely by the millennial reign of Christ, it follows that the year 1975 will witness the Battle of Armageddon and the ushering in of the long awaited new world under the King Jesus Christ.
I got this snippet from another thread some time ago. Of course, the CD Library does not go back that far. Does anybody know if this is in the bound volumes for 66?