A couple weeks ago in the news in the Sacramento, California area several billboards advertising atheism were spray painted and ripped apart with graffiti scribbled on the advertising. Things like " Jesus died for you ! " and other threatening slogans were written on these billboards . No doubt someone who thought of themselves as a Christian perhaps ? I guess some people can't be good when they HAVE God . Or at least respect the fact that some can live a good life without a belief in God.
Personally, I don't know if there is a God or not. I feel I don't NEED to know. It bothers me not one bit. I don't need to feel like I need to earn a reward of life in heaven or on earth for being good to others or helping people . Seeing people benefit is reward enough in itself.
Since exiting the witnesses over 6 years ago I can honestly say I have been treated with more unconditional caring and love by people who don't even believe in a God, or don't know if God exists. That being said- I've met some nice people who consider themselves " Christians " as well , however I've noticed at times there seems to be a catch , or hook to merit their friendship. Like being invited to attend their church because they have all the answers to the universe.
Look- I don't have all the answers to the universe. But I do know I can be " good without God " - in fact I'm more open minded since exiting a mind control religious cult. I feel religion narrows ones views to close minds which would otherwise be open to much needed information which is valuable.
So how do you folks feel. Do you think people can be " good without God " ? Or are their some people who need something to latch onto to KEEP them good ? As always I look forward to your takes and views. Peace out to all Christians, atheists, and agnostics. Mr. Flipper