WOBBLE- Good points you make. I too feel if I went aginst my moral beliefs I'd only hurt myself and others I love. I have become a much more complete person since leaving the witnesses. The expressive part of my personality comes forth more so now. I'm glad you joined the Humanist association. I consider myself a " secular humanist " also. Good for you.
PIXIESTICKS- I too am a " secular humanist " and am good without God.
CANTLEAVE- Indeed, respect for others dignity and ourselves helps us to seek others best interests . I too have seen many atheists or agnostics be very kind and caring, and some in religion not so much. The witnesses and WT society taught us that if we left the organization we would all become gun toting, immoral, drug abusing thugs and we would never succeed. I guess many of us showed them different , didn't we ? I like your views Cantleave , very balanced.
DESIGNS- I agree. There ARE a lot better ways to help this world and future generations than going knocking on doors converting people to mind control. We can all make a difference by being proactive in caring what happens to our planet and people in general.
OTWO- Sorry you have to forge on with your own path my friend. I'm only flesh and blood , I'M IMPERFECT ! LOL ! We put up lttle signposts for each other and learn from each other - but have to decide for ourselves ! LOL ! I know many atheists and agnostics who AREN'T bitter really . Some have overcome the bitterness and moved on to proactively help other people get out of mind control cults. It may have been kids who destroyed th signs on atheism, true, but WHOEVER did it was trying to make a statement against atheism.
QUIETLYLEAVING- It is a good way to put it like Wobble said. I find it more empowering and fulfilling to follow my own good conscience in doing it for myself than a mind control cult.
ELSEWHERE- You put it in a very succinct manner. Very true. I think generally this is true, although some religious people are good because they want to be. But not all.
BURN the SHIPS- That is great that you want to be good within yourself, not just to get a reward from God. I do feel there are a goodly number of Christians like this- however there are some who just want to save their own skin - so they pretend to be good outwardly , but not within. Good for you Burns