LEAVING WT- It would be good if everybody observed and respected the first amendment. I'm glad you feel free to be good without God.
BURN THE SHIPS- Very true. It was a violation of property rights as well as violation of freedom of speech.
AWILDFLOWER- Very interesting your comments on Denmark having low crime rates. I wasn't aware of that. But I do believe as you said we all have a inner value system within us , and if we leave religion and God out of that it becomes more our own. WE end up taking credit for our good values and behavior instead of God or religion getting the credit. No competition, exactly.
BEKSBKS- I view it like you do BEKS. I feel like I've become a much more empathetic, caring person after exiting the witnesses and I care about people because it's right and makes for better relations as well as making myself feel better. It becomes more your own when some cult or church isn't telling us we HAVE to do this or that. I've found my standards are actually quite higher than the WT society anyway ! LOL ! Don't have to shoot very high to trump their standards