Confidential? hardly. I wouldn't go back for anything, especially just for them to humiliate you publicly, screw them! But, that's me.
Ambushed!!!!! Fam'ly Intervention!
by sd-7 63 Replies latest jw friends
Tomorrow, it's done. The announcement. I'm still undecided about whether or not I should be there to hear it. I feel so many conflicting emotions that I don't think it's wise. Besides, the elders said that being there for the announcement is part of the discipline--which means I see no need to be there, as I see no need to be disciplined for not believing things that are shaky in the first place.
You're done, right? You ain't goin back, right? You don't need their "discipline". You know it's all BS. Then why bother going and allowing them that last twist of the knife? I say fuck em...go out and get drunk or sumthin... Do something that flies in the face of their sensibilities. Okay, it doesn't have to be as drastic as gettting drunk. Go see an R-rated movie. Go to a bar or club and have fun. Hang out with work mates. Do something that says, "I don't recognize your authority and I don't care what you do to me anymore."
You've got a cool dad sd-7
Your experience reminds me why I avoid my jw family.
Just take a deep breath or two, be glad your eyes are open, once they weren't, some day their's might open.
Love, Blondie
I also agree that it is counter-productive to attend the meeting just to hear your name called out as an apostate.
You have no reason to accept or respect anything they do. Going there to hear it is like tacitly admitting you are wrong and they are right.
It is also giving your wife and family reason to think you may change your mind.
Just let go of it and be done with this insanity.
Best wishes,
James Woods
You called your brother a 'thug and a bully' ... hahahahaha! I picture Tu-Pac with a bandanna on his head, fat gold chain hanging with a Jesus piece at the end with diamonds, and baggy jeans sitting in the middle of his butt with a wife beater on - telling YOU "How stupid can you be?" LOL!!!
On a serious note, you're right - no 'internet' person can comfort you the way a REAL person can, and I'm so sorry that you are going through this. But know that you are not alone and not the first to have to deal with the ambush of JW family. My beyotch nutbucket sister, who goes for bouts of inactivity for years at a time, had the nerve to try to tell ME off and say "you are dead to me. don't ever post pics of me or my daughter, as we want NOTHING to do with your debasing lifestyle". Um....yeah....ok. This SAME girl doesn't have a job, steals money, has affairs with married men, and has an illegitimate chid - yet she is baptized (all of which she forgets). The holier then thou attitude is TAUGHT to JWs (I was raised one). That superiority complex allows them to think and believe they are smarter, better, wiser, and enlightened WAY beyond everyone else.
I applaud your reasonings...they all are simple and make complete sense. But as I've learned, when someone gets confronted with the TRUTH, and they know it, they get defensive and do one of 3 things: #1 - throw out a 'whatever'....#2 - cuss you out...or #3 - start crying. The fact that your brother chose #2 (cussin) proves that he heard 'truth' in what you brought to his attention, but has no rebuttal. As my ghetto sister would always say when someone tried to rebutt her craziness "You can't argue with ME when you know you suck!" hahahaha
As my dad said, "One thing's for sure, tomorrow that sun's going to come up." I like to think that that was the one thing I most needed to hear.
My Mother used to say "And this too shall pass" & it will SD.
His concluding remarks to me in private were, "I wasn't sh** to you. F*** you." Then he stormed out of the house.
Warm, Christian love, eh? Sorry your brother was such a colossal a-hole to you, unfortunately, that's just uninhibited rage brought about by too much Kool-Aid consumption. I'm glad you can pity him for his blindness to what's really going on.
Yeah, I can remember that whole quasi-suicidal feeling in the most precarious of moments...
You're a good guy, sd-7, and it will become more apparent as the days go on. You said, "I'm free. Sort of." I know that feeling. I thought, "Why doesn't everything feel fantastic?" Well, it does...just give it time.
What your brother said to you is classic. My sister had a lot of resentment like that towards me too. It was weird. I think they feel abandoned. Misery loves company.
SD7....Like you said, you don't expect Internet people to give you the warm fuzzies....but we care anyway. I am so sorry. What a horrible experience.
Please read the following. I know its hard right now, but it will make a difference.
agreement 1
Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
agreement 2
Don’t take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
agreement 3
Don’t make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
agreement 4
Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
All the best,