Ambushed!!!!! Fam'ly Intervention!

by sd-7 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    That's tough. Honestly, have not heard that much spin from the JW's before.

    So that's how they answer that stuff. (False prophecy to test the faithful??) I love it!!

    My brother while in college had a similar conversation to get me away from them, saying, "I honestly thought you were smarter than that"

  • babygirl30

    sd-7...............check your PM

  • VIII

    Outlaw took the words off my keyboard.

    Hang in there. And, as noted, at least your Dad is not in.

    This made me laugh and it could have been me telling me of my last encounter with "my" mother:

    My mom even suggested that demons might be on these websites.

    JWs + the Internet + "Apostate" websites = SATAN!!!

    Yeah, I've got horns too. I've tied ribbons on them. Turns my husband on.

  • notverylikely

    Go to hear the announcement and when they say it, stand up and give a giant Ric Flair "WHOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo............!!!!!!!!!!!"

    ....and leave.

  • grewupjw1969

    Don’t take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

    So very true!!!!

  • sd-7

    It was something else. But my dad's been supportive, truly supportive, and it does feel like maybe this will lead to us being good friends. I'd hate to lose the opportunity I have to get close to him. There is so much to him that I probably don't even know.

    But it's just amazing to me. On the plus side, my wife and I are trying to find our way through this. She's worried I might like, go ballistic on someone, or several someones, even. Uh...the several someones, that was my idea, not hers. Whoops...

    But nah, I'm pretty mad, and sad, but I'm managing. Chocolate milk has become like my alcohol. Shaken, not stirred, or stirred, not shaken, it makes no difference. I still have to go into a bar and ask for one. I just want to see the reaction from the bartender.

    But then, married men don't go into bars. That's a violation of Husband Corps rules.

    Sorry, random thoughts. I'm a little insane, having had 3 hours of sleep last night and all. How are you?

  • nugget

    Your family is in true blue panic mode, oh the humiliation to have a relative Df'd the shame of it all. They are also in full cult mode and are not being their real selves. You say your brother was a more laid back person when younger well that person is the real deal being squashed by a cult. From his responses it shows he hasn't really been paying attention to the doctrinal changes happening over the last few months nor is he aware of how important the society feels the 607 date is. After all you've just been Df'd for not believing it.

    At the moment argument is useless no JW is listening to you so now is time to make use of your therapist and believe me they are essential right now. concentrate on your immediate family, your wife and child and your own well being and build from there. Armageddon isn't coming any time soon there is time.

  • RebeccaChi

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm so sorry for your pain. I've been out of this cult for 13 years, and cannot believe it is still in existence. I think the longer you are out, the more you will realize how crazy this religion is. No matter what your family says, we DO care very much about you.

    BTW - Don't you dare go to that "announcement" tomorrow. Those people are absolutely nuts, and thrive on humiliating anyone who can see over their "power". Try to go out and do something tomorrow night to keep your mind off of things a bit. Hope your family wakes up some day.

  • undercover
    But then, married men don't go into bars. That's a violation of Husband Corps rules.

    What is this Husband Corps rules you speak of? Bah...

    Seriously though...take your wife to a bar. Not a dive....but a nice martini or wine bar. Start now on showing her life outside the narrow-minded JW viewpoint.

    You can also encourage her to pursue hobbies she might like. You might have to join in to get her started, even if it's something you're not crazy about, but it gets her out there. Slowly over time, she may come to see the world in a different light. Even if you can't free her mentally, you can start her out physically. Let other things get in the way of her meeting and service schedules. You've freed yourself, now you've got to start to work on her.

  • sd-7

    LOL @ notverylikely! I could actually see myself doing the Ric Flair stylin' and profilin' and seeing everyone's heads turn to look back at me as I shout, "WHOOOOOO!!!"

    But yeah, only thing is, I have to take the wife to the meeting. I don't have to go inside, of course, and I have no money to catch a movie in a theater like I so desperately want to. So...will just have to make due with something at home.

    I'm glad someone sees the logic of what I'm saying--the sad thing is, people just aren't paying attention at all to the literature. That is one of the biggest red flags that always came up for me as a teenager--they would say stuff, and I would kinda pause. ... But that's the point, if you don't understand stuff, get out and preach more so you don't have to think about it. Defeats the purpose.

    Of course, some would say I'm preaching to the choir, but anybody should be able to see what's right in front of their face. Surely, the WT articles from just this past YEAR can't be denied, can they? I mean, that's just crazy talk.

    Need to check my PMs...

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