Hey Sd-7 I like buddy. you are doing great (Mat 24:14) :-)
Ambushed!!!!! Fam'ly Intervention!
by sd-7 63 Replies latest jw friends
He believes the "faithful slave" and the Governing Body are not really one and the same.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!! My big brother is suuuuure eatin' crow now! HA HA HA HA HAAA! What a classic old memory! On the plus side, at least my big brother and I don't have any active animosity still going on. Haven't talked to him since probably when my son was born. At least now I remember why I still get that uncomfortable feeling when I go to my parents' house. What an awful thing to have happen...
Hi sd-7; I appreciate your situation. I have one daughter still in & have not spoken to her or seen my two grandkids in years. I take comfort in the belief that some day this injustice will end. Until then, you have to continue to look ahead. My best regards. Live Well......Enjoy Life.
Wow SD-7. You called it!!!
Thanks for resurrecting htis for the newbies. I wasn't around 2 years ago. i was doing half twist summersaults into the kool aid pool.