Possible Blood Doctrine Change: A Hypothetical Conversation with all JWs

by daniel-p 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    sir82, yes, this is a hypothetical conversation in the event that such a doctrinal change DOES happen. Whether it will happen, is more the topic of the other thread. For this thread, its: what would we, as faders, say to our friends and family?

  • leavingwt
    I am among those that will use this to get out cold turkey

    Why wait for an improved policy to exit?

    "My car insurance went down by 50%, I think I'll switch companies!"

  • JWinprotest

    Why wait for an improved policy to exit?

    Oh don't worry, it will happen. the policy change will just speed things up. Although the family will remain steadfast, I know them, they would not blame me for leaving. It may even start one of my brothers own exodus.

    I know what my mother would say, "just because it's a conscience matter doesn't mean it's ok to do it". Conscious matter to her, means it's wrong. They are just implemented for the spiritually weak. Drives me crazy!!

  • undercover
    The following is a hypothetical conversation

    The problem with trying to hypothesize a potential conversation with a JW is that you're applying logic to both ends of the conversation. A JW, on the other hand, will not apply logic. They apply cult-think and pre-programmed responses. They don't think, they don't reason. They respond in the way they're trained to...kinda like an ape is trained to go up in space in a rocket. He rode the ship up and back, but he didn't actually steer the thing or control anything.

  • wobble

    The scenario of some number cruncher in the bethel working out the pros and cons of this sounds like something that has already happened.

    The Legal department will keep a tight hold on how it is done, but you think how many possible new recruits this brings into the firing line.

    How many people said to you in FS something like "You are good people, and if it wasn't for the Blood transfusion thing, I would listen to you" ?

    With falling membership in the developed world, and falling revenue, it has to be a good move, from the WBT$ point of view.

    But I think, and hope, it will make a lot that are borderline JW's wake up and smell the B.S**t.



  • daniel-p

    The problem with trying to hypothesize a potential conversation with a JW is that you're applying logic to both ends of the conversation. A JW, on the other hand, will not apply logic. They apply cult-think and pre-programmed responses. They don't think, they don't reason. They respond in the way they're trained to...kinda like an ape is trained to go up in space in a rocket. He rode the ship up and back, but he didn't actually steer the thing or control anything.

    I understand what you're saying, but still, the person you're referring to is the 100%-dyed in the wool JW. There are many others--like we were--who were on the edge. We may have even spoke otherwise, but eventually the doubts all added up.

  • garyneal

    Leaving WT

    There are even groups out there that find the blood issue to be their only hangup. So, for these folks, they would run back to WT, more encouraged than ever.

    Wasn't this the very reason why you disassociated yourself?

  • leavingwt
    Wasn't this the very reason why you disassociated yourself?

    Good question. No.

    The issue is what opened my eyes, because it affected me personally. I did, however, choose to discuss this topic, exclusively, in my letter of disassocaition.

    Before I exited, I knew it was a lying, high-control group that couldn't be reformed. Blood was merely one area in which they were dead wrong.

  • garyneal
    In all seriousness, this is how it plays out, for most.

    • WT makes a change.
    • Publisher thinks, "Wow! Truly they are the Faithful Slave! They have corrected their mistake, no matter how embarrassing it may have been!"
    I can't even make this stuff up.

    I can vouch for that, when I showed my wife a page in the proclaimers book that showed the use of pyramidology my wife's words were, "Isn't it wonderful how the society admits their mistakes and corrects them!"

  • Gayle

    When I think of all the JWs that had to actually face the reality of this issue, very nearly dying or in fact dying, how can people just say, "ok, no big deal." Conscience issue? Like drinking or not? Like playing pinata or not? When I count the tens of thousands of cases (even though it may have not come to issue), where JWs were facing childbirth and surgeries, on top of it all, had added to them the extreme "added anxiety and stress" at such a time to have to consider the possible issue of death and more to be disfellowshipped if 'weakened' to accept a blood transfusion otherwise.

    And then to hear light-heartedly by comparison by the organization, elders and GB, "oh it's just up to the person's conscience now by the way." How could most JWs forget what they went through at that time, especially with children. Would there be no natural emotions or feelings remembered? I know the mind can be tricked but can emotions or feelings be easily or totally forgotten?

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