SOMEONE Is Watching Over Me!

by snowbird 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    I knew a witness young man that had his appendex rupture..they wanted to give him blood. As he was a minor the hospital was going to get a court order..before they could do that the witnesses got together and got him a plane ticket to Texas (JW hospital and DRS.)...he made the trip and survived the operation.

    They praised Jehovah and thanked him for blessing the boy and saving him when he was on deaths door..the boy was minimally mentally challanged. Surely God had a reason to save him!!!

    A few months later he drowned while swimming with other JW's..

    Snoozy..who sometimes wonders.... But would like to believe we have protectors...

  • Snoozy

    I was jsut thinking of an example of when I may have thought someone was watching over me...
    I thought of the time I was driving my car and had just pulled into my driveway and the motor mount broke on one made a terrible noise and clunk.
    I then remembered a notice of recall I had gotten in the mail and ignored. Faulty motor mount.
    I remember thinking that my deceased hubby and Mom and Dad were looking over me..if that had happened on the hoghway I would have been dead!!

    I just got to thinking while reading this post and to get in my driveway you have to go over a pretty good bump of a curb and make a sharp turn of the steering wheel..that is what did it I am sure. I doubt if it would have broken on a smooth highway..but you never know..
    And I did like the idea that "Someone was watching over me"...I do feel that way sometimes..hopeful wishing?


  • snowbird

    To all!


  • fokyc

    Thank you Sylvia

  • BurnTheShips

    I'm with Sylvia on the guardian angel thing.


  • snowbird



  • BurnTheShips

    My mother tells me she fell down on the road as a child. A large truck was bearing down on her. She says something picked her up and moved her out of the way.

    I have no reason to disbelieve her.

    I was once hiking down a trail at night, and something bodily shoved me to the side. I was about to unknowingly step on a venomous snake. My dog pounced on a cottonmouth a second later.

    He killed it too, which was amazing to me. He doesn't even weigh 20 lbs. He's a tough little guy, but he's getting old now. He was young and spry then. I've got the picture somewhere.


    I never mentioned this when I was with the JW's, but I've always felt His Presence.

    Snowbird, Given your opinion of men, it seems unlikely that any good can come from a male influence, visible or invisible. This of course rules out Jesus and all the spirits mentioned in the bible.

    Perhaps as the voice is likely to be your own, you should say that you have always felt her presence?

  • snowbird
    Snowbird, Given your opinion of men, it seems unlikely that any good can come from a male influence, visible or invisible. This of course rules out Jesus and all the spirits mentioned in the bible.

    Let me clarify something; I don't have a low opinion of men; I'm just not too fond of them.

    Even if you don't have any use for the Bible, you'll have to admit that Jesus of Nazareth was no ordinary man!


  • startingover

    There was a time when I was sure that my 3 "annointed" grandparents in heaven were somehow responsible for getting me out of close calls. I finally figured out that was all fantasy and that sometimes good things happen and sometimes bad.

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