It strikes me as weird that guardian angels have all sorts of time to help Americans avoid snakes and car accidents but they struggle to help small African children avoid land mines. I guess you gotta go where the money is...
SOMEONE Is Watching Over Me!
by snowbird 48 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, they look out for the little lambs in Africa and the other 5 continents ; else, there would be no little lambs.
Oh, they look out for the little lambs in Africa and the other 5 continents ; else, there would be no little lambs.
I bet. That must be why there are so few African children missing limbs.
*double post*
All things are to be restored in His time.
snowbird, do you not get the moral conflict inherent in the idea that guardian angels intervene for some things and not others? If you think they're helping people avoid filing reports wrong at work or some other mundane rescue mission, you've got to be able to explain why they're NOT helping people who could arguably use their assistance in a much bigger way - like African children who step on land mines while playing soccer.
Alleged future restoration of limbs does not factor into that dilemma - AT ALL.
snowbird, do you not get the moral conflict inherent in the idea that guardian angels intervene for some things and not others?
Of course I do, but that doesn't stop me from being thankful for or expressing what I've experienced.
If you think they're helping people avoid filing reports wrong at work or some other mundane rescue mission, you've got to be able to explain why they're NOT helping people who could arguably use their assistance in a much bigger way - like African children who step on land mines while playing soccer.
No, I don't have to explain, nor can I. I question, but I haven't received the answer yet. I'm willing to wait.
Alleged future restoration of limbs does not factor into that dilemma - AT ALL.
I think otherwise, but we're both entitled to our beliefs. Right?
I was only joshing you, Precious Sylvie.
I believe in powers that can assist, I just believe that we have the Spark of them within us.
Perhaps your Guardian Angel was in your gut and not fluttering over your shoulder. Oh my, that doesn't sound right, either!
I believe in powers that can assist, I just believe that we have the Spark of them within us.
Perhaps your Guardian Angel was in your gut and not fluttering over your shoulder.
That's ok, by me.