Jehovah God - This is the last time we talk, because I don't believe in you anymore

by dissed 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    Just finished watching a 'Worlds Apart' A Danish movie portraying a young JW girl leaving the WT and dealing with the shunning of her family. This was one of the last thoughts in the movie. Her final prayer to Jehovah after being treated harshly by her family and Elders.

    "Jehovah God, This is the last time we talk, because....I don't believe in YOU anymore"

    Has anyone had a final moment like that? Like this is it, Adios Jehova! I know I did.

    Was there a clear moment when you said, NO Mas! No More! No More WTS controlling my life?

    Also, if you have more to add about this movie? Now that it has been released on the Sundance Channel this month. Many more will see this in the USA. Many more will see the truth about the JW's. Many more will see how unloving shunning REALLY is. How uncaring, how Un-Christian, and how unscriptural the practice has become.

    My initial thoughts after the end? I felt like spraying Swastikas on the KH's. My wife seconded it. But I did the next best thing, and posted a thread here on JWN.

    Your thoughts? We would like to hear them, please.

  • cantleave

    I watched the film today - I could so relate to that scene. I was on train when I said something very similar last year.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The movie is great. The Dubs will automatically focus on how the girl put herself into a fornication situation- end of story for JW's.

    I stopped praying before I stopped believing in Jehovah, so I didn't have your "last prayer" situation.

  • SixofNine

    It wasn't as sudden for me; I remember praying "Jehovah... er, that's not really your name or even an honest approximation, is it? blah blah". After that, it was a little difficult because it was so ingrained in me to use the word "jehovah" as the word for "god".

    But not long after that, I remember praying "er... you don't really exist, do you? I'm basically just talking to myself, aren't I?".

    Since then, I've only prayed once in several years; a friend died, and I wanted back the old feeling of having a sky daddy. It worked - for a few tear stained moments as I drove in my car, and then I had a nice laugh at myself.

  • SixofNine

    ps... I was wondering recently if anyone else sees it as bizarre, the use of "Jehovah God"? I mean, it sounds so childish that I struggled to remember if maybe it's just something witness kids say "hovah God, please protect...", but seeing the quote from the movie reminds me that adults use that phraseology too.

    "Jehovah God". How strange, linguistically. Would god get confused that maybe we were praying to Jehovah the plumber?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I had a Dear Jehovah, or whoever or whatever you are...if you exist at all...moment.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    LOL, Jehovah the plumber!

  • Heartbreaker

    Its funny, not haha funny, but interesting, that I NEVER could really pray. I would get sidetracked, my mind would wander, I would feel like I was asking for too much, or only coming at bad times to be saved from my situation. I would then feel like I didn't have a proper relationship with him, and felt guilty. I could just never do it, to where I felt "heard" or like I had a right to talk to him. Of course even though I couldn't connect then, I still had the fill tilt guilt going on for doing things I'm sure he was watching.

    I'm almost positive it was Daddy issues. He can see me fail, he can be disappointed in me, and he knows all my weakness and faults, but I'll still never be good enough, and we really don't talk.

    Also interesting in that as soon as I cut my ties with my parents, I also stopped giving two big round ones what jehovah thought of me anymore. I remember thinking the whole lot of them where only really there to make me feel like crap, and to remind me that I'm not deserving, so if I can manage to succeed in anything now, it's my own doing DESPITE all that, not in thanks to it. I've not looked back.

  • AK - Jeff
  • Heartbreaker

    Have you ever thrown up Spaghetti from an unexpected flu? I'm not sure I could respect that either. It wasn't pretty.

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