Jehovah God - This is the last time we talk, because I don't believe in you anymore

by dissed 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    Would god get confused that maybe we were praying to Jehovah the plumber?

    Yeah, I bet that would happen a lot. LOL!

  • WTWizard

    I have decided that, if He doesn't start favorably answering me, I am not going to waste my time trying to make Him happy. He never favorably answered me. So, I am not going to make Him happy.

    If He is hurt by my slapping Him in the face, I wish He would suffer as much as He has caused me to suffer by preventing the opposite sex from properly bonding with me and for keeping me from being allowed to take the initiative. All He has allowed me to experience for taking the initiative is Trouble. I doubt there is any way I can hurt His feelings half as much as He has pummelled mine.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I watched this movie last night. Cried the whole time. And yes, I found that closing line quite moving. I wish I had had that epiphanous moment but I didn't. I just stopped praying one day. And that was it.

    I hope this film gets a wider audience. It really is well done. I'm looking forward to sharing it with a number of my never-JW friends. I think it will help them understand what I've been through. So much of what that girl in the movie went through, I went through. That's why it was so emotional to watch. It was like watching my life unfold on the screen. They even did an excellent job of portraying a judicial committee. It still strikes me as so invasive the sexual questions that elders get away with asking.

    I wonder if my JW parents would watch it. I'll have to think about that.

    tall penguin

  • chigaimasmaro

    I watched the movie a couple of days ago. I enjoyed how simple the movie was, the actors didn't play up any parts. The part that really hit me was when the main character walked past her best friend and the best friend breezed past her like she wasn't even visible. It pained me a lot because thats how i used to treated my sister, even though she hadnt done anything wrong. It just minded me of why I wish June would get here faster so i can leave.

    The line in the sand moment for me came when I fell sick, I didnt know i was going to be mentally and spiritually beat up so badly in those fall/winter months of last year. It was definitely true I was sick , missing days of work, but no one, not even my family cared about how I was doing. Only thing everyone who was a witness cared about was being AT the meetings and going out preaching. Every phone call or every conversation I had with someone, it felt like i was being cut to bits because I didnt physically appear at some building so I can listen to the same nonsense I've heard for the past 30 years.

    I was glad the people who created that movie didn't stray far from real life. The atmosphere that was created and the cinematography was excellent. I like how they made so many scenes just feel dark, oppressive and moody when it came to the witnesses. Especially since thats how most of us felt before we had that defining moment of clarity. The scene where the younger sister confronted the mom and the main character.. that was the icing on the cake! Whew... there was NO getting through to the girl at all. Reminds me of my younger sister....

  • wobble

    I didn't exactly have a moment where I realised that God does not exist.

    I realised that the "jehovah" of the WT does not exist a long long time ago, when I was still a Dub !

    I often found myself saying "I do not worship the same God as them"

    But foolishly I stayed, believing that the "True" God would guide me ,and the whole JW organization, to a better place. Idiot.

    After reading Karen Armstrongs "A History of God" I came to the realisation that "He" does not exist.

    I could have come to the same point by reading any number of books, Dawkins "The God Delusion" or purely by thinking on my own, I think Karens book just made me certain.

    It was a while before I could actually say things like "God does not exist", especially to people like my Wife who still wishes to believe in something.

    I shout it quite often now. LOL



  • dissed

    Thanks for your comments. I would like to bring this BTTT.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I remember the last time I attempted to pray. After what seemed like a few minutes of rambling, I just thought to myself "WTF am I doing? When has this ever worked before?" It was the first time I truly felt like no one was listening.

  • dissed

    Keysor soze

    It was similar for me. Following a bad experience, then praying and feeling no one was listening. After that, for about year, I prayed at meetings, meals, etc....but it was ONLY for show and had no meaning.

    Once we moved away from that cong. I told my wife, No More! I wasn't part of this religion. After a few days, she agreed, and we have never been back.

    Kind of embarrassing to talk about this, no? Man were we fooled.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Less than a year ago I'd have thought the posts in this thread the greatest possible blasphemy one could commit. Today, I'm right there with you.

    I still occasionally pray 'to whoever is listening' but it isn't really structured and I'm not afraid to hug my wife while doing it. I feel like it is useful to talk to someone else sometimes, even when no one's there to listen. Kind of like Reb Tevye's discussions with God that help him come to his own conclusions.

  • Gayle

    Oh, I have had so many prayers like that! To God, Jehovah God, Jesus, Jesus God, God of the universe, Higher Power, the Whoever out there that may or may not care God. I have said angry prayers, "strike me dead if you want to" prayers.

    But, then, there are those strange times, awesome events, often small, sometimes dramatic, like occasions that are overwhelmingly wonderful that I have learned to embrace internally, not often called miracles, but for a moment it feels like it, but I find myself sincerely saying, usually quietly, "Thank you God!"

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