Me, the WT, and the "Separating Work"...

by AGuest 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inkie


    “I think I finally get it with you.”—to quote you, WayOut.

    You “think”? You have the temerity to call that “thinking”? You don’t think. You rant and you rave and perorate like a maniacal baffoon. Your sarcasm is stinging like the son of a viper that you are manifesting yourself to be. In this thread you have shown yourself to be one of the most angry, hateful, and bitter people on this entire board. You may even take the award for it.

    Since when has AGuest ever been unkind to you? Since when has AGuest ever been disrespectful to you? Since when has AGuest ever, in any way, shown you any kind of hatefulness? And yet, that is exactly what you have shown to her here. My Lord, Jaheshua, says that AGuest should “rejoice when people like you say every sort of lying thing about her.” You know not of what you speak. You speak in ignorance. AGuest should “leap for joy at being spoken of in such a way by you for her reward is great in the heavens.”

    If you truly believe what you say about AGuest (that she is wacked, crazy, delusional, whatever... for hearing the “voices” that she does), one would “think” (which you obviously don’t do) that in your sincere concern for her (had you had any heartfelt concern) that you would be kind, understanding, compassionate, in your tender mercies and concerns for her well-being. But nooooo . . . not you, on the contrary, you have shown yourself by what you write to be an abhorrent, loathsome, execrable, and odious individual. If you truly believe what you say about AGuest, where is your pity? You have none. How sad for you. How lacking in character.

    In saying the things that AGuest has said here on this board, she has not been unkind to anyone, hasn’t called anyone names. You, on the other hand . . . never mind, needless to say. One need only read what you write to know.

    It is obvious that you hate religion. I can certainly sympathize totally with those feelings. But Wow! Your violent reaction to the things AGuest has posted here is “WayOut”! How appropriate your name is.

    Like AGuest, I too have written a number of times to the Society concerning things I wondered about in their theology. And they have apologized to me on a number of occasions for their delay in responding to me. Like AGuest, they told me in one of their responses to me that they were seriously considering some of the things I, myself, asked of/pointed out to them, in my letters to them. They too made a correction concerning one of their teachings because of what I wrote them. As a matter of fact, they told me to “wait” for a future publication to come out and clarify a point that I made to them. Sure enough, a “further clarification” was written in a Watchtower concerning one of their teachings. It is obvious to me that this kind of thing does happen. And it hasn’t happened only to me.

    WayOut, you, yourself, are obviously to be pitied. Your anger and bitterness, while understandable in some cases, is not so here when you attack my sister in Christ. You need to apologize to AGuest for your vituperous and scathing sarcasm. Will AGuest get one? I don’t think anyone is holding his breath.

    You, yourself, WayOut, are one of many who should be pitied. And you are.

    May the Eternal, Jah of Armies, extend mercy to you for your gross unkindness and deep disrespect.

    AGuest, my sistert: I just had to write what I wrote. To tell you “my truth,” WayOut really ticked me off. But as you may surmise, I reined myself in so as to speak only the truth and not transgress. While I understand the feelings of the Sons of Thunder, I do not necessarily want to be one.

    May our God, Jah, and His Anointed One, continue to bless you as you share whatever our Lord gives you. Praise Jah!



    Inkie is Kicking Ass and Taking Names!..LOL!!

    Good afternoon Shelby..

    I`m enjoying your story..

    Good Stuff!..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    *still spellbound*



  • palmtree67

    Eagerly awaiting

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Does everyone have to take a polar opposite side here? Is it ok to like Shelby and respect her and her posts and still have the opinion that she's probably mentally ill? I'm not saying that's me; I'm just asking the question.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    That is a great story so far. Can't wait to hear the rest.

    Please note.......on a thread about hearing voices.....I couldn't resist making some "Field of Dreams" wisecracks.

    Think About It

  • Inkie

    Mad Sweeney: Of course, it's okay to take a polar opposite side here. But unlike you, WayOut does it with a total lack of respect and of no kind or compassionate concern for his view of AGuest's possible/probable mental illness. That is the crux of the matter here. Do you not see that? AGuest is not alone in hearing the Voice of the Master, M. Sweeney. Others here do as well, including me. Be that as it may. . . .


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I have to agree with Sylvia on this point:

    AGuest's "aura" is always benevolent.

    Maybe some variant of the "Multi-Verse" theory is actually true and guys like me will be humbly eating crow in front Shelby and her Lord on judgement day. (Although her Lord will have some 'splainin to do which will probably be the end of me.)

    I digress. I enjoy Shelby's demeanor on here. She's amazingly civil and good-natured through everything.

    OK, with those disclaimers out of the way, Dear Shelby, please see if you find the same humor I did in this statement you made:

    I did one of the briefest letters I'd ever written to them, two and a-half pages,

    You had me rollin' on the floor Shelby.

    Looking forward to the rest of your Bethel trip.


  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    I have to offer my sincere apologies, ask your forgiveness, and ask you to wait one more day for the rest of the story. Unfortunately, I didn't get off work until 8pm (I went in at 8:45am, meaning I left home at 7:15am)... after which I had a 1.5 hour commute (I drove 80 mph - yes, I speed; yes, I know it's "illegal" - sorry, I have a led foot... I TRY to drive slow - can't do it. I have to cover way too much freeway. BUT... I have NO speeding tickets... EVER. Almost got one about 3 months ago, though... hit the gas going up an incline... and passed a patrolman at, well, he said 83mph (oops!!!) When he pulled me over he asked if I had seen him and I said, "I'm sorry, officer, I didn't". He asked where I was going and I said to work. He then said he HAD to stop me because I passed him so fast, he was almost embarassed. Said he had to do it to "save face" in front of the other drivers. Then said... and I kid you not... "But I was REALLY impressed! You were really movin'!" Gulp. He then said, "I'm not going to give you a ticket, but you really should slow down. I mean, you made me look bad." He then sent me on my way. True story. I drove about 70mph for a couple days... but that got old quick.)

    Anyway, I my Lord directed me to respond to another dear one first... and so I did... and now I'm "beat." It's 10:50pm here... and I have to get up at 6:00am. So, if you'll kindly bear with me, I PROMISE to finish the story tomorrow... either at work or as soon as I get home. I don't want to forget anything and I am tired. So, it's better if I wait - I'm sure you all understand.

    Again, I apologize... and bid you all peace... and good night!

    Oh, and Open Mind... now that you mention it, yeah, I CAN see the humor! Glad YOU could!! Peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • frankiespeakin


    I'm glad to hear you got off the hook for that one, I drive fast all the time when by myself. You must send out a good aura to pull that one off.

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