Way Out, Way Out, Way Out,
When I opened your response directed to me, I laughed with mirth and jocundity. I could “hear” you when you wrote: Inkie, Inkie, Inkie . . . . I wasn’t sure if it was condescension or what; nevertheless, it is what it is. And only you know what “it” is. Your post to my attention is, in fact, quite welcome as it now reads as from someone who has a semblance of caring, unlike how your previous posts read.
Nevertheless, I find it hard to believe you. I find it hard to believe that what you wrote in any of your previous posts to AGuest or about AGuest had anything to do with “helpful information” to quote you. From my perspective, you now seem to be backpeddling—but that’s okay. Sometimes backpeddling can be a good decision. You seem, in your latest posts, to have a much gentler tone.
Your apology (if it is sincere) is accepted. Actually, I forgive you for it BEFORE you even ask for it (If you even ask for it.) and I don’t hold anything against you, WO.
“I will apologize for not remembering that mentally disturbed people need super-duper tender gentle handling. [Is “tender gentle handling” only for “mentally disturbed people”? Is that what you believe? Really? That it’s ONLY for “mentally disturbed people”? Wow!] I will speak softly to you if we ever meet face to face [Why ‘thank you,’ Sir.] and I will make sure not to move suddenly or reach out in any way toward your personal space.” [Why ‘thank you’ again, Sir. Your sarcasm here indeed IS of a gentler sort. LOLOL ‘Thank you.’]
Because you seem to now be “concerned” that one does not have a “mental breakdown,” your endeavor to speak “in a super-duper tender gentle sort of way” will, no doubt, be appreciated by one and all—certainly by me.
You also write:
A person who hears voices needs some kind of help. [This writing is of an entirely different sort, WO, entirely different. And it’s much more palatable. And if you truly want people to receive what you present, even the Bible says to ‘season your words with “salt,”’ so that it is received well, yes?] I am trying to bring attention to that. [Well good. That’s much better.] Perhaps we could get a count [And what purpose will a “count” serve?], not of people that believe AGuest is truthful, but of people that believe;
1. AGuest has been Contacted by the spirit realm either by demons, angels, God, or whoever.
2. that JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH is the actual name of God's Holy Spirit.
3. that the Holy Spirit actually directs people TO the Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses.
4. that the Holy Spirit directs people to find sales on airflight and arranges all the travel and lodging so that the followers of it's directions can simply just go without worrying or planning- a real show of faith.
I could go on and on, but especially Number 3 here is sufficient.
I am backing away slowly with no sudden moves [Reminds me of an episode from The Three Stooges . . . slowly we turn, step by step, inch by inch. . . . LOLOL Good for you, WO.], awaiting a response from those that really generally agree with the above.
WO: I have known AGuest for quite a number of years now. I can honestly say that she is quite sane. She is loving, kind, pleasant, winsome, charming, sweet, fair, benevolent, gentle, considerate, thoughtful, tender-hearted, generous, intelligent, insightful, perceptive, bright, funny, serious, interesting, warm-hearted. . . . I could go on but I think you get my point. I consider myself honored and greatly blessed to know AGuest.
When you attacked her IN THE WAY THAT YOU DID, I became defensive, out of my love and respect and loyalty to her. I don’t know if you can understand that. It may be difficult. Maybe you can appreciate that. I don’t know. Nevertheless, AGuest is my sister in Christ. And while anyone can challenger her thinking or her beliefs, I will not stand for her being attacked in such unkind and uncaring ways toward another human being. I’m sure you understand. Or, at least, I hope you do.
And that’s all I have to say to you. May Jah, the Most Holy One of Israel, bless you and show you His tender mercies, now and for always. May His Christ shine upon you. Blessings, WO.
Six of Nine: You are obviously short of Three:
6 of 9 said: I'll never understand why Simon allows inmates to run the asylum.
I will make no further comment.