Hello All,
I have been reading your posts for 2 weeks now, and I am riveted! I spend every spare moment on this site. It has become rather like a drug to me! I was born and raised in "The Truth", and have to say, I think that the Organization and authority figures within have been instrumental in making me into a self doubting, self loathing, emotionally unstable person. Finding this site has been comparable to finding an oasis in the middle of the desert. Actually, a very good friend of mine who has been going through much the same thing as I have, introduced me to this site. I am so grateful to her.
I feel like my story is too long to tell, and I don't want to bore anyone. Basically, a few years back I was disfellowshipped, and a year later I was reinstated, only to wish that I had never been "accepted back into the fold". I was still treated as a leper even after I was reinstated. What is worse, once you are reinstated, you get to hear all of the conjecture about your personal life and sins, all of the vicious gossip that you were shielded from while you were disfellowshipped. I have now been inactive for several months, and the stress is still present, but it is subsiding. I have to thank all of you. You all make me feel like I am not so alone. One more thing, quickly, I know the memorial is coming soon, but not a single person has called me to tell me when, that includes my own mother. I think it is just as well, as I am not planning to attend anyway. Just thought that it is an interesting testament to the "love" among God's people.
Thank you all again, please keep sharing! It keeps me going!