Welcome, its_me! I don't have to imagine how emotional you must feel. I just found out over the course of the past year about everything. I'm freshly DF'd for refusing to believe in doctrines I could no longer support in good conscience. Family has been crazy lately, but I'm hanging in there and feeling a lot better than I was when I had to face the congregation and pretend things were okay.
There are some really wonderful people here--along with your usual knuckleheads--so I hope you get to meet as many wonderful people as possible! My only advice is to be careful of your choices. It will be easy to get sucked back in or sucked into a relationship that is just as bad (if you're single). Be mindful of your feelings. Do your homework, find information yourself, convince yourself of what is going on. Knowing that you're not imagining it will take a long time to sink in.
I'm sure someone here has already given you a recommended reading list. But you really have to take your time if you're just starting out with this. Some of the things going on are very upsetting to take in, so...take your time to absorb it all.
We're here for you. You are welcome to send me a PM if you'd like to talk in more detail. Take care!