Once a cheater, always a cheater

by Quillsky 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    We aren't naturally monogamous creatures.

    I don't think that's true. I think we're just conditioned to believe that.


  • cyberjesus

    ah blanket statement! and very strong judgment of people. And a broad use of the word Cheating.

    Once a JW always a JW. Once a cult member always a Cult Member. Once a religious person always a religious person. Once a homo always a homo. Once having a lesbian experience always a lesbian. Once a Judgmental JW always a Judgemental JW... wait a minute, lets scratch that one.

    So what is a Cheater? What is cheating? Does it have different definitions for different people? what is it for you? I had a GF who considered cheating if we were to satisfy ANY kind of need outside of the relationship, and that left no room for anything I mean anything cuz everything was cheating. Is texting someone cheating? I mean common. What are we talking here? Sexual penetration? kissing? talking? looking? thinking? There is people who are ok to have sex with others, is that cheating?

  • clarity

    VampireDCLXV -

  • Paralipomenon

    I will agree that if a "cheater" finds themselves in the same circumstances that led to them cheating, they would be likely to do so again.

    But there is nothing in human nature that says that once someone cheats they are permanently locked into a pattern for the rest of their life.

  • notverylikely

    Interesting topic. Maybe I should comment.

  • yknot

    ......hugs NVL, hugs.......

  • notverylikely

    thank yknot. I love it when people make blanket judgements, it tells me a lot about them

  • tec

    Many people make blanket statements without thinking that the object of their supposed statement is the person they're speaking to. Its a good thing in a way, especially if its someone they like and respect, because when that person comes out and says, 'you know, I've done this...', then it often shocks the speaker into reevaluating their black/white attitude.


  • PSacramento
    So what is a Cheater? What is cheating?

    Rule of thumb, ask the person that was cheated on.

  • PSacramento

    People CAN change, but they have to not only WANT to be understand WHY they are changing, WHY what they did was wrong.

    Till then it will only ber superficial.

    Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.

    Peter: How many times must I forgive someone that wrongs me?

    Jesus: as many times as he wrongs you.

    Peter: If he wrongs me 1000 times?

    Jesus: forgive him 1000 times.

    Peter: Crazy talk !!

    Later, after Peter denies knowing Jesus 3X:

    Peter: Er...Ummm.

    Jesus: I love you and I forgive you, take care of my sheep ( repeated 3X for the times Peter denied Jesus).

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