A JW Corpse 'Speaks'
by Bangalore 22 Replies latest jw friends
paul from cleveland
There are no words to describe what I felt as I read that.
The poor sister she deserved better. There is no real compassion here just regret. It is so sad but the witnesses will brush it off no one came out of this with any glory.
Broken Promises
Very sad story…. I find the practice of an open coffin unusual for a JW funeral. Does this happen often?
Jesus said something to the affect: "you will know MY disciples by the love they have for one another."
No truer words were spoken. Do JW's pass this litmus test?
- Wing Commander
I'm with Broken Promise, although this was sad and in reality very close to the truth about how older one's are treated, I've never heard of an open casket funeral like this? I don't think it is true but a story to teach a lesson and tug at the heart strings.
I'm not familiar with the culture of that country, but the story was well written and the correct points driven home.
I've personally seen way too much of JW elderly ones lost and not cared for. It seems only in the last few years, the Elders have wakened up to their responsibility and realized the Gold Mine they have in getting the Elderly to leave money to the WTS.
Ahhh! I can't open anything with "blog" in it while at work. I would like to read this during my lunch break. Would someone like to post it?
An elder told me of an older sister with a non-jw husband. She had been coming faithfully for years but suddenly was not there. Six weeks went by before anyone at the congregation called to see what was up. The elders decided to make a visit.
Elders knock on door, husband comes: Mr. Sister Faithful, we were wonder if we could just visit with your wife.
Husband: Not possible. You should have called first.
Elders: I'm sorry, we should have. Could we talk with her?
Husband: Not possible. I buried her 3 weeks ago. Why did it take six weeks to see how she was doing? (as he shut the door)
Elders embarrassed, left quietly.
(See Sunday's WT Comments for the WTS version.)