I miss Mouthy.

by paul from cleveland 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I am back....I made another boo boo by moving
    I hate it here ....so if you do any praying ya better start...LOL

    What do you hate about it? Tell us about it.

  • mouthy

    What dont I like ? Have you got time?

    I have to get up at 7.30 every morning to get ready for 8 breakfast
    We sit there for 1/2 an hour till the food comes.
    We must sign out ,time!!!? sign in Time???
    5 Oclock is supper ( My Y& R comes on at 4.30 finishes at 5.30)
    So I miss it !!!I am just a "set in my ways" woman ,some call me
    a b..ch that really KNOW me....LOL, Ive learned to record the Y&R ( sigh).
    I guess I have been too long alone.... Thank God for Sir TOM

  • carla

    Grace, can't you ask to have dinner in your room once and awhile to see your show?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Yeah, I can see why that would be annoying. Can you tape your show and watch it later?

  • blondie

    Hi mouthy, I hate moving even when I am going to a place I know I like...I wish I could just snap my fingers and everything be packed, moved, and unpacked.

  • mouthy

    No eating in the rooms...Another rule...+Yes I am recording my show...
    Yes blondie I too wish you could snap your fingers too lol

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    ,some call me a b..ch that really KNOW me....LOL

    Good morning Grace, I guess I really don't know you then ey! You have a good heart. Love, GQ

  • mouthy

    To live with me is to KNOW me G

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Hei, Grace,

    I do hope you feel comfortable in your new place, is it that you had a repressed desire for bethel life ? Please don't take it bad, I'm just joking. I do wish you the best, with your family and friends around you.

  • LittleSister

    Hi Grace

    Sorry the move hasn't turned out as well as you hoped, but at least you still have all of us.

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