I miss Mouthy.

by paul from cleveland 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Chris (((thanks) this is "a pop in" (((HUG))

  • snowbird

    Hi, Grace!

    I'm praying that you will find peace.

    Love and strength to you.


  • Snoozy

    Aw Grace, you gotta do something to liven that place up..hopefully it isn't like Cuckoo's nest..

    One good thing about the ones with alzheimers is that they learn something new everyday, so you can tell them the same story over and over..

    Maybe you can walk in to dinner wearing a hula skirt or something...or put straws in your nose when they stare at you..

    Or maybe you can pee in your bed and they will kick you out...do you want us to come and break you out?

    Cause we will!


  • Snoozy

    Grace, I think you mentioned when you announced you were going there that you were having trouble walking. Are they giving you any excercises for that to help you? Any kind of therapy?

    Or do they just feed you and send you to your room?

    Any planned activities?

    You are still too active a person to be held down..you will be one of those in their 100's that remember what they had for breakfast when they were 5..

  • mouthy

    Lovely Snow thanks
    Snoozy!!! The woman nexrt to me has told me every day!! she has her breast rremoved,also her Mum her Gran
    Every day I have to say" Oh your doing wonderful,thats a blessing isnt it".
    One thing that is happening here ,I am NOT using my cane.I am determined to NOT look crippled LOL walking better
    But no they do any theraphy here for anyone

    Planned events? Bingo! a dog comes once a week & does some tricks,Sermon from differant religions every SUN( I dont go)
    There was a jig saw puzzel in the Games room started,so I did some of it, A woman came & yelled at me

    "what are you trying to do take over""I was then told by one of the workers she dont allow anyone to touch it.OOPS!!
    I apoligezed explained I was the new brod...she said O.K I could do some, then the next day she yelled at me again.LOL
    "ONE FLEW OVER THE CUKOOS NEST""""I think they copied this place..

    Some one yells out it is 8.15 a.m breakfast will be served in the dining room in 15 min.( they do this before 12 noon.5 supper.

    If you ever watch the video of JONESTOWN & how they used to yell this before meals you would swear this was jonestown////
    I had to tell the one that yells it." Watch JONESTOWN!!!!"You sound just like that..

    Snoozy go wash out your mouth & go to your room .you want me to live to a 100!!!!I am looking to find DR DEATH!!!!LOL

  • dgp

    I was missing you too, dear Mouthy, a.k.a. Amazing Grace. I'm glad we have finally heard from you again. Please, do keep in touch.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Oh (((((mouthy))))) I wish we could come and take you away from there ....it makes me sad . Your just too lively a gal to be held hostage in a place like that .

    Come and escape on the internet as much as you can ! We miss you !

  • snowbird

    LOL at Mouthy's description of the place.

    You've still got your sense of humor, Grace.


  • talesin

    Hi, Granny!

    Hoping you get lots of visitors to cheer you. It's hard to live somewhere that is unhappy. Sending you lots of love.

    xoxox from Jen


  • mouthy

    Thank you all my darling Kids!!!!

    Know something????? I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!

    Feeling sorry for MADJW though........He is hurting....

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