Surely, you see how fruitless a position that is and how little merit it holds in our discussion?
Surely no more pointless that you arguing free will doesn't exist when you didn't even know the definition.
I started a topic (see above Title) and presented the discussion with an introductory statement followed by a question.
You seem to disagree and have offered counter-arguments.
Here is an example of a "definition" you have offered of Free Will:
The ability to choose one's actions, or determine what reasons are acceptable motivation for actions; The doctrine that human beings (and possibly other beings, such angels or higher animals) are able to choose their actions without being caused to do so by external forces
You've chosen a Doctrine (?) which seems to apply equally to angels and higher animals!
Now, compare the above definition to my original Topic Header post and notice what main question I ask:
Are we not confusing our creative imagination with actual selective decision making?
Could it not be our mind's ego at work creating the false illusion WE ARE IN CONTROL of our "choices"?
If we FULLY KNEW everything that makes us tick, would we not see our day to day activity (except in the case of accidents) as foreordained
to certain extent?
What PER CENT of your "choices" are really and truly FREE choices??