Another thing about this healthcare, it's not gonna be free. The law requires that you have to purchase health insurance through a "private sector". Nothing states in the bill about capping how much you pay per month. Even if you do get health insurance through your employer, it's gonna cost you a portion of your paycheck, how much that will be, none will know until we see the first paycheck showing how much it was taken out.
As of right now, there's talks of loopholes. Laying off full time workers and going for temps which won't require providing them healthcare and also contractors. Outsourcing is another option, no law states you have to provide health insurance to employees overseas.
So when the law takes effect, start expecting massive layoffs.
So when people are laid off, the law still requires you to obtain health insurance, how will you pay for it if you have no money coming in to pay for it? You're an instant criminal right then and there.