How did the Watchtower publishing company manage to be so dumb as to issue dated Jehovah checks payable in this world?
I've thought about this!
Here is my hypothesis.
Holding an irrational belief and yet living in the real world creates something called Cognitive Dissonance.
That can make you very depressed! Holding contradictory beliefs inside one's head is destructive to mental health.
That is why I think religious fanatics do something very provocative subconsciously to move the irrational belief into the REAL WORLD so
as to FORCE the reconcilation of contradictions somehow.
The author of the 1975 fiasco was substantially Fred Franz and Nathan Knorr whom I believe snapped mentally in the mid 60's. He tried to FORCE JEHOVAH to make good on all the promised Armageddon scenarios they'd preached for sooooo looooong without anything happening!
Franz found a way (creating a false chronology to PROVE his point) to make the impossible happen.
By making his outrageous crackpot fantasy HUGE and PUBLIC at the top of his publishing VOICE---he crossed the line between fantasy and reality and squeezed the irrational into the real world.
Nothing happened OBVIOUSLY!
This not only destroyed Knorr's credibility but lost him the sole authority position as President.
The Governing Body became a corporate voice rather than a leader making top down decisions. (The famous tails wags the dog.)
You can't make unreal things real by screaming them from the rooftops.