Well, well, well. Here's another little dirty secret the Vatican has been hiding. Apparently Moses and Aaron were stoned! It is a fresco at the Cappella Sistina at the Vatican. This was rendered by Sandro Botticelli in 1481. It is titled "Punishment of the Korah and the Stoning of Moses and Aaron". This is a detail from the fresco.
Was Moses Stoned?
by cameo-d 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Did somebody say stoned???
I'm hoping my friends will smuggle me back some pot and coffee from Israel. I hear it's some good shit.
Speaking of Jews, Cammy, that little avatar thingy you've got doesn't appear to be circumsized and it's freaking me out.
Modern Historians believe Moses was killed by his own troops..
They were sick of his endless wars..
.................. ...OUTLAW
Hey I'd get stoned too if I were forced to schlep around the desert for 40 years.
keyser soze
I don't know, but whoever wrote Revelation was.
Robdar: "Speaking of Jews, Cammy, that little avatar thingy you've got doesn't appear to be circumsized and it's freaking me out. "
Why aren't Jewish women circumsized?
When I look at those little horn rays on Moses head, it reminds me of the little rays on this icon. I think Moses probably invented the concept of "new (ever-changing) light" and I think that's why they describe his face being lit like a light bulb---radiant, glowing, etc. I think it could have been meant to be sarcasm and disgust. It could have been metaphorical to tell us something that they could not come right out and say because....well, back then it was more than being DF'd....you'd get your head cut off or burned at stake, you know.
Could Moses be the "new light" poster boy? Look at his face in the pic.
I don't know, but whoever wrote Revelation was.
Funny youmention that Keyzer.
I think it was Leo that mentioned Revelations being more a "propganda book against the Romans" than being a true Apoctoliptic work, at least I think it was Leo...
And I have read more about that view, some argue that in its original form, it was more a book warning against the Roman infulence and where it could lead, with the typical colorful metpahores of the time and less a truly Apocolyptic writing with prophesies and such.
That was what it became after its final draft, according to some.
If he was, it would be a good explanation for the burning bush story....
Poopsie: "If he was, it would be a good explanation for the burning bush story...."
Are you saying that the burning bush was really a DOOBIE?
Syrian Rue:
Peganum harmala is a perennial shrub with fleshy spikey-looking leaves, growing up to 1 meter tall. Its small, brown seeds contains harmine and other harmala alkaloids. It is one of the plants speculated to be the Soma or Haoma of ancient Persia. http://www.erowid.org/plants/syrian_rue/ I am tellin' y'all, Moses was a Shaman and an evil magician!