Why did my old friend do this to our friendship? Please help me understand.

by mlj 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleSister

    Hi mlj

    I have been thinking about your situation for several days and I certainly think you shouldn't give up on your friend keeping the door open will provide a means of escape if he does come to his senses. We all would like to think we would never be taken in so easily, but in reality the JW faith is very crafty they catch people when they are at a low point and get them hooked over time.

    If your friend won't talk to you I suggest you write to him and explain how hurt you were by what he said at your last conversation and that this has created a very negative impression of this new faith of his. Surely if he has found such a wonderful new way of life he would have wanted to share what he was learning with you.

    JWs are taught to share their beliefs and not to create a bad impression or reproach on the JW faith. If you can phrase it right you should be able to get him to agree to talk to you. If you ask him to share what he has been learning he will probably think he has a possible new convert, however, if you keep your wits you can use this opportunity to find out what has been going on. If he does agree to talk or to your visit try to make sure he doesn't bring other JWs into the discussion as you just want a private talk with him.

    Be aware you may not be able to get him out of becoming a JW, but at least you might be able to come to some understanding and let him know that you will always be his friend and that you are there for him whatever happens.

    I hope this is helpful.

  • LatinxJW

    Very well said LittleSis

  • Heaven

    His sister and I both feel he has been brainwashed. That precludes rational thinking.

    Welcome to JWN, mlj! You are correct on both accounts here. Steve Hassan advises that we must try to reach the pre-cult self in the people who have been indoctrinated if we wish to help them.

    YKnot's suggestion of getting his address and sending him letters, maybe some humourous pictures, may give him a life-line that he may/probably will need in the future.

  • mlj

    Yes, I will write him. Thanks to all

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When you write .....

    You must not appear to be an opposer of the religion.

    You must not appear to be an opposer of the religion.

    You must not appear to be an opposer of the religion.

    You must not appear to be an opposer of the religion.

    You must not appear to be an opposer of the religion.

    You must not appear to be an opposer of the religion.

    Did you get that?

    As a JW he is supposed to be sharing his message with potential victms converts, friends and family as well as door knocking. Your best chance of helping him is not to oppose his beliefs, but to get him to want to try and save you from Armageddon and help you get into Watchtower Paradise.

    If you are going to try to make him feel guilty about anything, it should be for not offering you the opportunity for salvation by telling you that his God was going to kill you if you didn't become a Jehovah's Witness too.



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