Welcome to a very supportive place for healing.
There's nothing like seeing how the "sausage is made" to wake a person up to the reality of how the JW religion really works.
I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Here's a little JWN site navigation info that might be helpful to you:
1. Someone else already mentioned the "Search" feature. That's helpful.
2. As you read threads and a post by a particular user grabs your attention, click on their username. This will open up a window that will give you a couple useful options: Topics Started & Topics Posted On. Topics Started will often help you get a feel for the person's history here and posting style. Topics Posted On will let you know what they've been up to lately on JWN even if they haven't started any threads themselves.
3. Active Topics: Click on Active Topics if you want to be able to see what threads are currently being commented on and will likely give you an opportunity for feedback.
4. PMs: Private Messages can be accessed or sent by clicking on the little envelope next to your username. One thing that's a minor annoyance is there's no way of knowing if you have any current PMs by looking at the envelope. You've got to click on it.
5. Posting limits: I think you're limited to 10 posts per day while your a newbie.