Check out the American Cancer Society's guidelines for quitting.
Here are some things that worked for me and some of my friends:
Put some butts and ash into a Mason jar; add water and cap it tight. When the urge for a smoke hits, open the jar and take a deep whiff. Nasty! This aversion technique works real well, but have a barf bag handy .
The average nic fit lasts a relatively short time. When the urge is overpowering, find something messy to do with your hands. A friend took up clay modelling while she quit.
Brush your teeth whenever you want to smoke. Simple, but very effective.
The psychological addiction can last far longer than the actual chemical addiction. Find a busywork hobby or activity to keep your hands occupied. The ritual of lighting up and handling the cig and ashtray needs to be replaced with some healthy alternative. I know men who took up needlepoint. One friend got a baby bird and devoted all her smoking time to taming and training him. Cleaning birdcages is messy and busy...
Sugarless candy and gum are your friends during the withdrawal.
Good luck! and remember... if Mommie D could quit, YOU CAN TOO!