How many DF'ed on this board have actually had...

by tenyearsafter 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tenyearsafter

    Isn't it amazing how the direction of the FDS (do yearly follow ups with DF'ed ones) can be ignored by the BOE, but if the rank and file stray one iota from the party line, the BOE are on it and will make sure the errant one is "lovingly corrected"?!

    An interesting side note to my experience since 15 years, I have never had one JW knock on my door! The only public witnessing I have seen has been the VERY occasional table set up at the airport where there are magazines displayed and two pre-occupied JW's sitting talking to each other rather than the public.

    It is truly a sign of God's favor on his people how this "Good News of the Kingdom" will be preached during these last days!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was DFed 25 years ago. For the first 14 years the elders who DFed me knew exactly where I was. Not one visit.

    The next five year - it took 3 years before a JW even showed up at the house by accident. No one in the city knew where I was. But then the first 2 sent an elder and he only showed up once.

    Now I am in another city and no one knows who I am or where for that matter.

    It really ticked me off when I found out about this "arrangement" that not one elder showed up. But the last thing those elders would want was me back in the congregation. They never would have reinstated me. I held too many secrets that they wanted covered up. So keeping me DFed me was ultimately about keeping me quiet.

  • donuthole

    Nothing just yet - four years.

  • tenyearsafter

    donuthole - don't be so impudent as to expect that...after all it has only been 4 years! LOL

  • tenyearsafter

    Lady Lee - I think you might be are prejudged by the BOE to determine if you are the "right type" for reinstatement...after all, why waste time on a hopeless cause by doing follow ups?!

  • Gordy

    How many disfellowshipped ones on this board have actually had follow up elder visits "encouraging" them to return to the meetings?

    I stopped attending meetings. It was 2 years before any visit, and that was for something else.

    I then DA'd , no call, this year was first time in 10 years even had a Memorial invite posted through door.

  • mouthy

    D/F in 1987,,because I didnt believe Jesus came invisably ...
    then about 5 years ago Two elders came to see if I would like to be reinstated???
    I said YES!!As long as I could teach the truth!!!was about to read it from Scripture
    to them!!!! Funny they didnt want to hear????they had ears ,but couldnt hear.
    Poor Darlings!!!! they couldnt get out the door quick enough....
    I love em all!!!! they are under mind control....As was I...

  • tenyearsafter

    Mouthy - There you go trying to confuse them with truth!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    10 years DF no follow ups. Only very rare door to door contact but seeing as they know i'm DF its usualy an accident! and only one of those rare 3 or 4 times was it an elder doing basic door to door.


  • tenyearsafter

    I wonder why I have not been called on in the door to door work in 15 years?? the work slowing down or have I just had impeccable timing so as to be gone when they did knock?

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