Memorial 2010 Your Experiences

by scotinsw 136 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I went, it was shit, as ever.

    It would be nice if this was my last one...I think maybe it is.

  • scotinsw

    How many partakers in 2009?

    I think it was 10,400 or something.

  • ziddina

    Sun's still high in the sky, here.... I am thinking about driving past the local KH, just to point and stare...

    Oh, wait! That would waste gas... Guess I'll stay home with my Cheetos™ and soda pop... "Buuuurrp!"

  • Joshnaz


    8,524 for 2005

    8,758 for 2006

    9,105 for 2007

    9,986 for 2008

    10,400 for 2009


  • andy5421
  • cameo-d

    Let's hail Jehovah's Firstborn

    (why is it that in bible stories all firstborns are either killed ot trumped by the second born?)

    God's Heir He has been made

    (does this mean God will have to die first?)

    Who since He was created

    (Does this mean Jesus was a created being? Does that make him artificial like us?)

    His Father's Voice obeyed

    (Seems to me he went by conscience. I don't recall scriptures talking about him hearing voices or hallucinating visions.)

    He made all things existing

    In Heaven and on Earth

    (So Jesus is creator and not god?)

  • jookbeard

    MM; did you partake?

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Im going to celebrate my FREEDOM by taking my son to the ocean and watching the full moon rise...unemcumbered, feeling the breeze on my face instead of the garlic breath of some fake annointed person sitting next to me in a 30 year old suit.

  • zoiks

    Well, they're about 15 minutes into it right now in my area.

    I celebrated this night by taking the kids on a walk in the rain and jumping in every single puddle with them. Then we dried off, had some dinner... they are all snug reading books together and we are all having a very nice evening. A little later I will watch some ganster movies and drink Wild Turkey with Mrs. Zoiks.

  • Heartbreaker

    Well it's about 30 minutes from sit down and get to it time, and I'm enjoying a glass of ginger ale. I will then go get my child from a school function that last year she would have been penalized for not attending, having to make up the concert activity. I will then come home and have some nice french bread, dipped into oil with roasted garlic and rosemary, and a nice glass of Guenoc Victorian Claret. All while watching LOST, and then V


    I didn't rush, I didn't shop. I didn't buy an outfit for each kid that is borderline Easter, without trying to be Easter, and worry about it being too chilly here in the Kansas nighttime air. I didn't have to worry about who was going where afterwards, and what I was going to spend on dinner, and what to talk about. I didn't have to sit through a boring ignore Jesus speel, if he was real, and if he cares.....if I'm not convinced he was/did, why should I?

    I will, just to cover my bases, have the internal conversation that I do when confronted with the 1st (Christmas, birthdays, Halloween, assemblies, school functions, and now missing the Memorial) If there is a God, and He has a sense of humor and compassion, He'll be more forgiving than I ever can imagine if I'm wrong and am doing the opposite of what I should. If He is what the Watchtower says He is, and He destroys me for this (insert occasion here) then he can suck it. I wouldn't knowingly "serve" that one single more second. Amen.

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