Memorial 2010 Your Experiences

by scotinsw 136 Replies latest jw experiences

  • monkeyman


    I want the recipe for all that!!!!!

  • jwfaith33

    I was forced to sit and listen to the man that emotionally molested my daughter. It was hell. I had to go because I'm in danger of losing the rest of my family. The elders are after me . I felt like breaking something when I got home. It really was torture. After I help my children to see that this is a destructive cult and I can be sure they are out too then I am going to publish my disassociation letter in the local news and I'm going to include the account of how they emotionally abused my daughter. I have notes on it. I'm going to include all the information about their dealings with the UN. I have emails from the UN and I'll include them. I'm going to challenge JW parents to look their child in the eye and tell them that they will let them die because Jehovah wants them to. I don't care what it costs. If my local paper won't publish it I'll find one that will.

  • EmptyInside

    Well, I went. We had a visiting speaker who had spent many years at Bethel. He's an interesting speaker, but one of my relatives thought his talk was too deep for someone being there for the first time. It wasn't bad for me, but I'm "still-in" as they say and used to it all.

    But, the songs our just awful. The first song was on page 8 of the new song book. "The Lord's Evening Meal". The words and music changed. That used to be one of the better songs, not anymore. The final song was 109 "Hail Jehovah's Firstborn" Jesus name isn't even mentioned. And it used to be a lively, upbeat song. Now, it's just a boring, mumbled melody. ugh. I actually feel like writing the Society and complaining about the new song book. That will get me df-d in a hurry. I don't know what they were thinking.

    But, again, all in all, I survived, and it's over. I feel sorry for the ones who have their Memorial at 9:30.

  • lesabre

    i'm doing my own for the first time tonight!! i have to babysit, so i'll do it when i get home. 10 pm is still after sunset, right? lol. and YES... i WILL partake!! :) and my worldly husband is going to join me!

  • truthseekeriam

    Made up our minds not to go.

    Hubby is bringing home pizza and hopefully a six pack of Modelo Negro.

    I sat down with the teens to read together the account of the last supper in Matt, we took 10 verses back and forth and stopped in between each to share what we thought of it. It was nice to do it without a Watchtower to tell us what we should be thinking about that account.

    I may be totally turned off from organized religion, but I still love God and appreciate what Jesus did for us.

  • man in black
    man in black

    I was in Chicago, stopped off at the anti-cruelty society and played with several border collies that are in a cage and literally going mad !

    I feel that this small action was more heartfelt, and memorable to God and myself than sitting in some kh listening to a canned talk.

  • bonnzo

    my speaker (a visiting bethelite) actually mentioned over 10,000 partakers in 2009, still is a sign of how close the end is. no dub in attendance besides me and the wife realizes the fact that the partakers are increasing!

  • peaches

    i agree with truthseekeriam,,,,,i did not go,,,,but appreciate so much what god has done for us,,,and everything jesus went through....i am insecure about prayer,,,,but will tell god briefly later tonight,,,,thank you....i still am grateful for the bible and information in it...

  • moshe
    - over 10,000 partakers in 2009, still is a sign of how close the end is.

    How the end is so close, jives with 10,000 partakers 40 years ago, 8600 partakers 25 years ago and now back up to over 10,000 partakers is beyond me. It is a sign of one thing- the KH is populated with mathematically deficient morons, otherwise they would have see that the numbers just don't add up.

  • tjlibre

    I went…shut off 5 min into it…right when the speaker started talking about the 144k going to heaven and how no one in the audience belonged to that group. At one point I even chuckle a little…

    I took a look at the audience and though, WOW I can’t believe how I bough into this just like they are.

    I have to admit that I’m starting to envy those of you who are finally free. I hope to continue building the strength to be there with you soon.

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