MS, Account Servant, Sound, window washer, toilet scrubber, lawn mower poop pusher..all kinds o'shit..
Was You a Bethelite, Elder,CO, DO, GB, Publisher, Missionary,Ministerial Servant or Pioneer class?????
by Scott77 80 Replies latest social relationships
White Dove
Pioneer in 1996-1997 and went to the school. The school and book were simply all of the how to do service and be motivated, from the KMs. Guy Pierce was going to conduct but got called back to Bethel, so Prouton (Prowton) conducted instead. He was really good.
I was an elder for 8 years as recent as 6 months ago. I was being investigated, so I simply resigned and faded! Totally igoring them now
Ministerial servant for 8 years and occasionally auxialiary pioneered (where does pioneer appear in the scriptures?). The elders tried to bamboozle me into becoming an elder, but thankfully realised that it was a pressure that I knew I woud not be able to cope with; I now realise the importance of such a role (James 3:1).
I faded for about 7 years, occasionally trying to make my way back. After much research and reading, I decided to go back to the meetings. I now enjoy being back, as I now have a true genuine relationship with Jehovah. I no longer attend to be a man pleaser. Whats more, I now have a better understanding of truth thanks to perimeno. My relationship with my father in heaven has never been so strong.
I would urge every one reading this to not throw away your relationship with God because of the unfair treatment of men and their pharisaical rules. I would urge you to go back to the meetings and associate with the true genuine spiritual brothers and sisters who show true genuine love. Sadly there are many superfine apostles/brothers/sisters who are within the congregation today who stumble many with their unloving haughty attitude (these ones would need to change their attitude, particulatly since Jehovahs hosuehold is to be inspected soon-1 pet 2:12). If you read the writings and essays of Peimeno, you will put everything into perspective and understand why things are the way they are amongst Gods Household. You will find Jehovah again and feel the love of Christ;as well as the Holy spirit working in your life; that is a guarantee.
My journey has been unbelievable and I can go as far as to say with all my heart that the Holy Spirit has intervened in the sense that I have had a couple of signs, which are beyond coincidence. I urge all of you to look to Jehovah by reading his word each day (a couple of chapters of the old and 1 of the new testament); as well praying sincerely to Jehovah (through Jesus). I guarantee you that the sword of the spirit (along with prayer will lead you into truth, where you will be further enlightened - John 16:13).
Christian love
Are you an active or inactive JW? or Are you an Ex-JW?
Hi Scott77
I am active (though with discretion)
I'll grant that the perimeno site has the same born-again JW feel that's so seductive to a WT addict, however the personal story was the telling feature. The personal story is positively bloated with egotism and invites the reader to likewise engage in the same wishful thinking.
It reminds me of the movie "They Might Be Giants" with George C. Scott, based on the Don Quixote character.
In this case it's "You might be a chosen one."
I was a ministerial servant for 8 years, talk of being an elder just before I lett. Gave public talks regularly and a few assembly/convention parts.
aux. pioneer for 6 years. pioneer for one year... 6ish years ago