i was baptised at 14 (only because I wanted to pioneer and they kept asking from the stage "what's holding you back??" and the only thing holding me back was baptism....) I auxillary pioneered off and on when my parents "let" me until I went full-time pioneer at the age of 18. Made it two and a half years and would have kept going if it weren't for the classy elders meeting in which they informed me that there was no way I would make my time that service year (which would have made my second year in a row for failing to meet the time requirement) and then "suggested" I should step off the list...followed by the question "what do you think?"......as if me saying "nah, I think I'll stick it out another year, but thanks!" would have been an actual option.
after that I became very bitter and required several years of time to get to the point where I could even contemplate auxillary pioneering again.
to this day, I still believe the elders handled the situation completely wrong.