Elder's Daughter. Never Pioneered, though people assume I did. Publisher.
Was You a Bethelite, Elder,CO, DO, GB, Publisher, Missionary,Ministerial Servant or Pioneer class?????
by Scott77 80 Replies latest social relationships
Regular Pioneer for 4 years. Bethel for 3 1/2 years. MS for 5 years. I gave a couple of public talks. I did just about every job possible for a MS in the hall and at assemblies, including accounts, audit, mic's, amplifier, stage. A few quick-builds. Basically devoted myself 110% until I woke up.
Now I devote almost as much energy proving to people it is a cult. It is certainly a lot, lot easier to help someone leave than it is to get them to join. With all those thousands of hours preaching only one person from the field got baptised (and disfellowshipped a few years later) but I have been able to help quite a few leave.
Mickey mouse
It is certainly a lot, lot easier to help someone leave than it is to get them to join. With all those thousands of hours preaching only one person from the field got baptised (and disfellowshipped a few years later) but I have been able to help quite a few leave.
I had not thought of it like that.
I was a pioneer, elder's daughter and ministerial servant's wife. Let's face it, there isn't a glass ceiling for women in the WBTS, there's a massive **** off iron one!
You never said how long for each service.
MS from 94-2001, Elder from 01-06 (when I resigned) Gilead Class 119 April - Sept 05 and Missionary in Cameroon Oct 05 - Feb 06.
Regular Pioneer/Full Time Preacher 1994-2006. (same time as my 1st marriage...)
Thanks for sharing. Its great to know that. By the way, is Jeff the only Ex-JW missionary on this JWN site?
If you was a wife of an Elder, MS, or anyone in the 'privileged' position of responsibility as described above, just say so. I forget to put that in the thread topic. I know spouses of JWs counts less in the Borg if I am correct, but not so here on JWN. You are a large army. Great Cheer!!!!!!!!!!
- pioneer
- MS
- Elder 20 years (last 5 years as PO) SHAME ON ME!
- Regular DC & CA talks
- stayed in longer than wanted to help children get out (1 down and 1 to go)
- faded away over last 2 years
Congraculation. Welcome again. Please, do not feel shame. It was not your fault.
Mr Moody
Raised a Witness by my mother from the age of 2, though my father was never interested and thus we were never a hard line family. Not Baptised untill I was 21, then became a MS when 24. On Assembly programes/ Attendant Captains, blah blah blah. Stepped down as MS two years ago, go to 60% of meetings (elderly mother)...not been on Ministry for six months( though still reporting , to keep them off our backs). I was allways a bit of an unconventional JW and I don't think the Elders knew how to deal with me (probably why I never became an Elder, as **** licking is not my style)). Bringing up our two kids as normal as possible considering our familes background .(keeping below the radar as the wifes family are big players in the District)
So apart from on here no one knows who we really are and that's the way it will stay for the momment. Though If we ever get boxed in a corner for what ever reason then the gloves come off.
I was a ministerial servant for 6 years . Was used like an elder in that I gave " teaching " service meeting parts, gave traveling public talks , talks at circuit and district conventions ( ministry school & demos ) . Was a regular pioneer for 3 years in the early to mid 1980's. By the late 1980's I came to the decision I did NOT want to be an elder as I saw too much hypocrisy and unjust politics going on . Also- Didn't like what I saw in elders mistreating the JW rank and file members. Wanted no part of it . They were grooming me to be an elder by the age of 30 ( 1989 ) but I declined . Wanted to raise my 3 young children and spend more quality time with them - not the congregation