Would You Picket A Kingdom Hall?

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Small twist on that subject, when I first became a JW my Mom was going to go to the local Kinigdom Hall and protest. My Dad convinced her it wasn't a good idea.
    I made her suffer for 15 years before I realized she was right. They were nuts!


  • cantleave

    Would this look nice around a KH?

  • purplesofa


    However, I think picketing can raise awareness. Years ago when I was a furniture buyer working at the International Furniture Market there was some picketing against cutting down the mahogany trees from the rain forests for making furniture. They were screaming at us with signs as we crossed the street to our next vendor. It made an impression on me and I questioned the source of the wood furniture we bought from the less known vendors. Not that it made much of a difference in what we bought for our store, but I have never forgotten the experience and did cause me to do a bit of research. On rain forests and the different trees we cut from them and how that effects the ecology.


  • littlebird

    No, they have a right to believe what they want and picketing would only re-enforce their belief that they are "being persecuted for Jehovah's name". People dressed up like clowns and picketed the assembly when I got baptised. All it did was make me think they were weirdos, and that I was being persecuted from satan for getting baptised. Big back fire.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    cantleave beat me to it!!

    In line with cantleave's type of picketing, I would only do so if it had been approved by the Regional Building Committee and I was an approved volunteer worker.

    Since that second condition will never be met....



  • ziddina

    "...I wouldn't be above some subtle mischief... Going to a KH with a valid-looking background, getting 'involved' with the congregation, putting on a good show, then partaking of the emblems on Memorial night... [if that were possible for me, since I've been out for 25 years...] ...it would involve a GREAT deal of work. ... BUT - there is an automatic "cult-speak" filter within most JW groups - I don't think I could pull it off...

    But if I could - watch my dust!!!" Zid

    Minimus replied: "I'd NEVER to that! To me, it just looks bad for us ("apostates")..."

    I assume that you were replying to my idea for subtle mischief, Minimus???

    It wouldn't look bad for us "Apostates" if I successfully pulled it off... Zid

    P.S. But it would take MORE work than it would be worth!!!

  • dogisgod

    No. It just feeds their "persecution" righteousness. Is a wast of time.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Nope. I've always thought such things were rather stupid.

  • minimus

    Zid, I was talking about picketing but I wouldn't do what you suggest either.

  • flipper

    I wouldn't picket a kingdom hall as it would reinforce their persecution complex- however I feel it is important to inform them about what's going on in their organization regarding child abuse. I have gone quite a few times onto kingdom hall parking lots while they are in field service and left about 5 to 10 news releases about JW child abuse and Phillip Garrido's ( Jaycee Dugard's molesting kidnapper ) JW wife who abducted her when she was a young girl. Garrido got let out of prison early because of his JW wife's influence.

    I like this clandestine operation because all the JW's know is some concerned citizen is leaving news releases in their car windows. Of course- they may think it's an apostate doing it - but who cares ? Let them believe what they want. What matters to me is that there is a huge population of children endangered by religious cults coddling of pedophiles. The public might be interested to know that pedophiles are allowed to go door to door.

    My wife mentioned those points to me and she also mentionedin the last 2 years or so - Ex Scientologists have had great success in exposing that cult since joining in with an organization called " Why We Protest ". So- I'm a firm believer that there are things we can do individually and in a group situation to expose the witnesses - just not picketing a Kingdom hall - not very successful in pulling witnesses out of the cult

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