I can list many examples of this : Probably the most glaring thing I saw proving this in 1982 was when an 83 year old sister died of a heart attack on the stage at an assembly part where she gave her experience then sat down next to me and died right on my shoulder on the stage. I motioned to a brother sitting near me on the stage to help me carry her off the stage - which we did - and the brother and I behind the curtain tried administering CPR. A registered nurse ran behind the curtain from the audience also - but the annoying thing is the elder giving the talk just kept right on talking to the 3,000 in the audience with NO REFERENCE to WHAT had just happened ! Someone had died and had a massive coronary - but the show must go on. Sick. Then the elder called me and the brother out to give our experiences. Being young ( 23 ) at the time and intimidated by the elder I went out and gave my part all the while paramedics were working on the sister . It felt totally wrong to be doing the part as if it was disrespecting the horror this poor old sister had gone through. But the other 4 sisters were made to finish THEIR parts as well . The lunch intermission didn't come until 30 minutes later . What would have been wrong with the elder CANCELLING the last 30 minutes and saying " We have a medical emergency " ? NOTHING would have been wrong doing that- everything would have been right ! It's what SHOULD have been done.
I can look back NOW years later and say I would have reacted differently if I was older and knew about cult mind control - but I still think of that often. You never forget if someone dies on your shoulder. Jesus.
But think again about the scene just in local congregations ! People are appraised as being " spiritual " if they are obedient with their " functions". If they raise their hand and comment, they're " spiritual " , if they go out in service they're " spiritual " , give talks they're " spiritual " . If they don't perform these OUTWARD , visible " Kingdom hall " functions - yet miss meetings due to caring constantly for sick relatives, children, or feeding the poor and down and out - then they are considered UNSPIRITUAL because they aren't obeying in their " functions " at the kingdom hall to be seen by others ! THAT is what irritated the snot out of me while I was a witness. And it seems the GB and WT society is becoming MORE controlling the last couple years on INSISTING on this regimented obedience !
Did any of the rest of you as witnesses see people emphasize " Being obedient " instead of showing real authentic human " love " ? What kinds of experiences did you or somebody you know have ? As always I look forward to your takes and observations. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper