It was meant to be funny, not logical. I use it as a figure of speech.
Ok. Sure didn't come across that way though.
Really! Can I see them?
Yes. Open your eyes. They're literally everywhere. Open any science book. Everything we've discovered so far can be explained through purely naturalistic means. You make this seem like a shocking revelation for some reason. It's why science works. Show me something that can be proven to be of supernatural origin, and we can add "supernatural" to the list of possibile causes for the origin of the universe. Untill then, I'm forced to exclude Zeus, Enki, Apsu, Taimat, Yahweh, Ra, Krishna, etc... from the list.
Anything outside of the universe, would by default be "supernatural". Unless you have some evidence for the natural (outside of the universe) that no one else is aware of. As far as we know, there isn't even empty space outside of the universe.
No, absolutely not "by default". Where would you even get that notion? You're creating a false dichotomy based on a flawed premise, these are unknowns we're dealing with here. You really have no idea what "natural" and "supernatural" mean, do you?
First of all, 'universe' can be simply defined as "all that exists". So there really is no "outside" of this universe, there are only portions we are unaware of. When you say universe, do you mean the 'visible universe'? But even still... the planets and stars and galaxies we can see, the "bubble" we live in, may only be a tiny portion of a much vaster "sea" of other "bubbles" we have no way of being aware of (and in fact there are good mathematical and theoretical [and even experimental!] reasons that point to such being a very real possibility). You say "As far as we know..." ??? We know NOTHING about what exists "outside" of our "bubble"! It could be nothing, empty space, or Cherry Kool-Aid! We don't know! Appealing to things "outside" the universe is as non-sensical as asking what is north of the noth pole.
I see this is getting nowhere. As mindmelda alluded to, you seem to have your own definitions for certain words and concepts.