I don't like to look at things "in black and white" either (may you all have peace!). It's so, ummmm... "typical" and easy to do (versus trying to look at the actual reason for a thing, say, why there are no blacks in certain towns, the truth of which is that while for some towns there an issue of segregation, for many others the issue is inadequate public transportation, lack of jobs, housing costs, and things like that - meaning, blacks and other minorities CHOOSE not to live there, versus aren't ALLOWED to live there). I digress.
Here, I was responding to someone else's statement about what their black female friend was TOLD (versus what was or was not on the Memorial invitation)... and, again, given my OWN experience... I have no doubt that such did occur. I know that some would LIKE to say that racism doesn't exist, even in the WTBTS (oh, come on!!) Unfortunately, it does. Even in the WTBTS, despite all that talk about "brotherly love" (ummm... ya'll don't think "Mother Bethel" can't afford to build KHs in third world countries, versus letting her "children" listen to talks while frying in the hot sun... or being deluge by forest rains? Seriously??)
It exists in ALL races and cultures (and very often WITHIN races and cultures). As a black woman, I know George Jefferson wasn't an anomaly (although, I do marvel that many wish to confuse the BASIS for African-American hatred of whites with the reason for whites' hatred of African-Americans - not really the same thing... one born of centuriess of disparate treatment... the other just really a very wicked creation of a perception of inferiority in order to serve its unyielding greed...).
But the fact that there ARE "George Jeffersons" in this world/country... doesn't negate the fact that there are Aryan-Supremacist thinkers/believers... everywhere... even in the WTBTS. And vice versa. That I don't have problems against people of other races doesn't preclude me from acknowledging that there are those who have problems with ME. And don't think I don't get it from both sides, because my marriage is interracial. I've had to stare down many an "old-school" Negro (and, yes, I used that term because (1) I can, and (2) that's what they show themselves to be, IMHO, and actually I think I'm being "nice" by using that term) when my husband and I go out. There have been MANY a time when my mind is saying, "And what the heck are YOU lookin' at, dude?? Really, you would want to put your eyes back down on your OWN business and not bother with mine... because I'm really not THAT timid (which you all know)... and if you keep it up I MIGHT ask you out loud and embarass your butt in front of your "boys". And trust me, they avert their eyes long before I avert mine. I'm grown... have worked all my life... paid my dues... and so will marry... and be seen with... whoever the heck I want to... and NOBODY will tell me who I can and cannot love/associate with. rachafracharachafracha...
I get it that the subject of racial bias is quite "uncomfortable" for some. Believe me, I wish I NEVER had to broach the subject. I wish the subject NEVER broached ME. But... it has, it does... and I do. But I would ANYWHERE I lived... because it would BE wherever I lived. Again, whether between races and cultures... or within them. We are a species of disparities: white/black, rich/poor, thin/fat, slow/fast, educated/uneducated, property owner/tenant, and more. Unfortunately, it is the "human" condition... and quite shameful, IMHO.
Again, I bid you ALL peace... regardless of the amount of melanin you have in your skin (except, maybe you extreme over-tanners - I just don't "get" you all - just kidding - I LOVE that I don't have to expose myself to potentiall harmful rays to get my "coloring" - LOLOLOLOL!)
Peace, ya'll... truly. And don't run from the truth. Embrace it. Talk about it. Be TRUTHFUL about it. So that you can TRULY move on past it.
A slave of Christ,
Oh, and the reason there are so many blacks in McDonald's commercials is that because blacks are McDonald's primary customer demographic. It's just marketing strategy, is all... as is the WTBTS publication propoganda.