I spotted them out in FS on my block as I turned into my driveway, so I waited for them to come around to my side of the street. They were in a huddle, 2 sisters and 2 brothers- the brothers had a young boy around 6 with them to get sympathy. I had my 1924 WT book, The way to Paradise, in hand and approached them. The sisters took off, leaving a 2 to 1 advantage for them. After a short intro- they came right out and admitted they were JW's, etc. etc. I cut to the chase and showed them my wonderful 1924 WT study book (which they inspected for authenticity).. After we read the pages that told us how the ancient worthies, King David, etc. were coming back- any day- they lost their smiles. Then I flipped a couple pages and we read how after 1926 all the undertakers would be out of business- as there would be no more people dying. I expected some sort of defense, but they just bailed on me- I couldn't even get them to talk about blood transfusions or the "milllions now living will never die" campaign. Surprisingly,the young brother was still trying to make a placement of their softbound study book as brother elder 60+ was frantically trying to get underway and close the door of his sagging old Dodge Intrepid on me. He only mentioned that the light gets brighter as their excuse for the changes of the past. I told them as he drove away- "here I am trying to make your light brighter and you go and run away on me!" The young brother was about 20 or so- I wish I had taken his picture- He was wearing some sort of goofy looking straw with an unwoven fringe- and a suit- an interesting combination. He was really clueless as to what was happening, but brother elder mature knew he was in trouble. It's been many years since I had a JW even try to defend themselves. Maybe, I need to ask for books and magazines first, then they will feel they have some skin in the game and stick around longer than 10 minutes.
I tried to talk to JW's today and they ran away.
by moshe 44 Replies latest jw friends
.....You know it is nothing but 'busywork' right now......
How the other JWs in your 'hood doing these days?
Great display of boldness moshe. would loved to have seen that. Good on you
Cinnamon (TOO)
moshe, your story reminds me of that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail when the knights retreat from the bunny's cave---
"Run away, run away!"
Scarred for life
ROFL! Fabulous, moshe! It makes me want to find one of those books on ebay or something and do the exact same thing next time I see a JW.
JW's just don't debate anymore. True, they have their theocratic school, but it only teaches them to stalk and pounce on the unprepared householder. I know the elders used to tell me to never get into a debate at the door- just leave. Using an old WT book is sure a show stopper for them. They can't argue that it is photoshop fake.
But just think, you may have planted a seed and it will grow later...
Isn't that what they always told us?Sounds like you picked a good topic to approach them with..good job.
You may have saved a child hopefully..if the child belonged to one of them.Snoozy
You never can tell what a JW is really thinking behind all that theocratic posturing, can you?
Scarred for life
No, you cannot tell what a JW is really thinking. They are programmed to hide their true feelings and thoughts. We only see the robots.
judge rutherFRAUD
Moshe ; I'm surprised at you !!! you know you need to set them up first. make them commit to the 1920's. then drop the bomb. I know you were too fast on the draw or they were too fast to run even to give a persentation, before you even spoke. happens to me all the time, a dub will see someone that is willing to talk to them/or take a mag. and they jump into traffic just to avoid anyone that will even say hello to them. It's to hard to preach when you can just hold a mag over your heart for 4 hours and not save anyone. I saved a guy I know at the gas station this week, when this zombie was trying to work him over . he thanked me for coming over and then I reported it to the station manager that this dope is harrassing customers pumping gas. Moshe I have forgotten all about the WT BOOK "THE WAY TO PARADISE" 1924 as I spent lots of time on 'MILLION NOW LIVING WILL DIE" 1920 BUT ALL THESE BOOKS ARE REPRINTED on LULU.COM for about $10 each. And as Moshe shows every time in feild service jw's will run for their SPRITUAL DRUNKARDNESS when encounted with why they are worshipping the wts and have no idea what in the world they BELIEVE AS TRUTH. ,