Three passages of scripture quickly come to mind:
1) The WTS literature quotes Matt. 23:9 but it does not like to discuss the verse before or after it. They like verse 9 as it is negatively applied to priests: "Call no one on the earth "father", for you have one Father and he is in heaven." But Matt. 8&10 are not useful for a group that strictly administers the "Truth" and insists that only a small subset of the Anointed are authorized to declare what is True and what is not: "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi', for you have only one Master and you are all brothers." "Nor are you to be called 'teacher',for you have one Teacher, the Christ."
"Teacher" in verse 10 is good to look up in the Greek because it is not the word commonly used for "teacher". It isn't used elsewhere in the NT. Also translated "leader", the concordance expresses its meaning as that of an official or authoritative guide. In other words Jesus seems to say none of his followers gets to mediate the truth for others as an ultimate authority."You have one Leader or Guide, the Christ." The rest of Mat. 23 completely emphasizes this warning that EVEN AN APOSTLE IS NOT TO ASSUME THE TITLE OF OFFICIAL LEADER. O, Blind Guides!
2) The idea that faithful anointed CHRISTIANS ARE NOT TO FOLLOW THE FDS OR ANY OTHER RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION is powerfully conveyed in Rev.14:4,5."These are those that did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb where ever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless."
The Greek for "women" in this instance means "wife" not "whore" not "harlot". It seems the Lamb's followers do not involve themselves with even a legitimate "true" religion--even such as the Organization. The anointed are not betrothed to any but the Lamb. Yet the FDS requires that the rest of the anointed( who are not making the rulings at the Top) be obliged to follow their instructions. Doesn't that mean that only a handful actually get to follow the Lamb--contrary to the scripture's description?
3) Matthew 24:28 "Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather." The reference book Insight on the Scriptures does not have an explanation for this verse. This expression of Jesus contrasts the immediately preceding verses describing the Body of Christ being gathered in from the four winds rather than a certain locale. It seems clear that the carcass is a religious Dead Body that finds congregants who embrace a mediated experience of God--- not mediated by the Christ but mediated by men--therefore a dead body with gathering of carrion eaters on board.
These scriptures tell me that the only true religion is no religion at all.
Forgive me if I seem to be "pontificating". These scriptures bolstered my spirit when my conscience wouldn't let me participate in group indoctrination anymore. I just submit these ideas in the spirit of Christian sharing and respect.