I thought this was good:
Who killed more people in the bible? God vs Satan
by Simon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nice! Even allowing for a margin of error of several magnitudes, that is pretty impressive.
Sorry to bring this up but wasn't Satan the instigator of sin and because man sinned he dies so therefore Satan is responsible in part for all the human deaths from Adam onwards even the ones God killed as a result of their sin.
Darth plaugeis
This is what confuses me. If God is perfect and he created man and angels and they turned away doesn't that make him imperfect, and don't give me that freewill shit either. Perfect means PERFECT. George Carlin said it best about God and his creation, "If this is God's best work, (looking at the world today) I'm not Fkin' impressed" And the arguement of why he didn't destroy Satan at the beginning (So no one could ever question his judgement again) means he EXPECTED TO BE CHALLENGED AGAIN.... IMPERFECT!! Does this make sence or am I just to Bitter?
Sorry to bring this up but wasn't Satan the instigator of sin and because man sinned he dies so therefore Satan is responsible in part for all the human deaths from Adam onwards even the ones God killed as a result of their sin.
If so, then they were killed twice. Quite the double team.
Another point to point out that YHWH, the god who loves life, who gave it, certainly liked to take it away whenever he was pissed....
Sorry to bring this up but wasn't Satan the instigator of sin and because man sinned he dies,
But who instilled the penalty for sin ? answer = God which is death, so god is responsible for all human deaths,
since Adam and Eve.
How could Adam and Eve be made responsible for eating off the tree of knowledge is they could not know or comprehend
what was good and what was evil. ..... irrational logic !
Would a loving and compassionate god let them endure death for this one single act ? .........uummmm
Sorry to bring this up but wasn't Satan the instigator of sin and because man sinned he dies so therefore Satan is responsible in part for all the human deaths from Adam onwards even the ones God killed as a result of their sin.
Funny you should ask that: no.
There's no necessary logical connection between man sinning and man dying, it's an arbitrary rule God made up. God kills directly, God kills indirectly--settin' 'em up, and knockin' 'em down. A cosmic game of bowling, and human lives are the pins.
AK - Jeff
Don't piss off Jehovah! That is the lesson.
Guess I am in one heap of trouble, cause I am sure I piss him off every day. Well, if I believed in him I would piss him off everyday.
People love a book with plenty of action and love stories. The Bible is just full of both, especially death and mahem. No wonder several movies have been made of that book.
Satan had approval from god for the 10 he killed (Lot's kids, right?) so god gets partial credit for killing them.