No you're not Mythbuster I mentioned your comment. :) Get a grip :)
Who killed more people in the bible? God vs Satan
by Simon 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good post gladiator!
Gotta remember folks, these deaths never happened. They are just stories. Now gladiators on the other hand....
I don't think we know whether they happened or not do we?
There can be no doubt that, the way God was written in the OT, that he was a "bloodthirsty" god, Imean, you can't really deny it.
If one believes that what is written in the OT is literal and factual then, yes, God is a genocidal maniac.
No other way to see it.
Look at the example of the flood-
An all powerful God kills men, women, children, babies and animals, ALL OVER the world, with a flood of water.
Now, he COULD have killed only the evil and guilty, he is all powerful, but no, he CHOSE to kill all but the selected few.
If this was a literal happening ( and it is the ONLY occasion in the bible that God DIRECTLY kills anyone), then God is a horrific entity.
When the serpent started tempting Eve----where was Jehovah?
When Eve was about to to take that fatal bite---where was Jehovah?
When Adam reached for the fruit and placed his teeth on it--where was Jehovah?
What parent leaves his kids unattended when a deadly snake is close by?
You'll recall that in the story in Genesis Jehovah was walking in the Garden in the breezy part of the day.
Read the account and see how clueless and surprised Jehovah was at what had happened!!
This is a naive and inexperienced God dealing with naive and inexperienced humans.
A serious and responsible God could have stifled the harm in this situation easily by not over-reacting in such a way
that the lives of ever human born from that time forward were ruined!
Jehovah's reaction was the tantrum of a child and not a Supreme Being whose attributes include Love, Wisdom and Justice!!
Instead we get a Master Plan (Divine Mystery) which includes thousands of years of human suffering and death, the spread of evil,
a worldwide flood and the death of God's own son after he's tortured!!
Then, what happens?
This same God magically decides to forget the whole thing (Grace) as long as you say the magic word: Jesus.
If this isn't a purile piece of mythology passed off as history I don't know what is!
While we're enjoy this hypothetical circle jerk topic, humans keep killing humans. Men are killing men, women and children. Women are killing men, women, children and their unborn children. Hell, we even have children killing children.
And when we're not watching the "if it bleeds, it leads" news casts about all the killing, we go to theatre to watch movies that glorify more killing. And let's not even talk about the domestic animals being tortured and killed by humans every single day.
Here on Earth it's a bloody, fucking mess.
Yes, man has killed MORe than G od and Satan put together.
WE"RE NUMBER 1 !!!!!
You said, it Psac. Man has killed more than God and Satan put together. How can we expect the gods we've created to do anything less?
Stepping a bit back from what results from a simple comparison within Bible canon, it should be recognized that "Satan" as a concept was a very recent one in the OT; Satan barely appears at all in the OT whereas there is not much of a body count at all in the NT. The concept of Yahweh as a divine warrior OTOH goes all the way back to the early Iron Age.
BTW, not even in Job do we really have "Satan" as a villian character. The Hebrew word does not occur as a personal name or in reference to a unique individual, but rather to a "satan", an adversary or prosecutor character in Yahweh's divine court. He acts with Yahweh's consent.
And in the poetic section, the adversary of Yahweh is not the "satan" (who does not appear therein) but Job himself (40:2, 41:10-11).
Darth plaugeis
Has any one heard of this theory? God makes Jesus, then allows him to become a God. He creates Earth and Man, but is a very tough God, Old Testament style, destroying all who piss him off. One day the true God checks in on Jesus and is shocked to see how he has treated mankind, he decides to make Jesus a man so he can see how they live and the feelings and problems they encounter. Jesus as we know.... yada yada yada... he changes his Acton's that is why God from the Old Testament is different from the New Testament. I'm not saying I believe it, but Damn it sure sounds better than the shit we learned. haha Has anyone heard this version and if so were is it from??