My Son's JW Mom Sends Him Condescending "Guilt Inspiring" E-Mail

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    O.K. First of all- A little history. My ex-wife a fanatic JW seems to be in a pissing match ( not of my choosing ) with me over trying to get my son back into the JW cult. He's 25, been out of the witnesses since 17 and he is very happy with his life .He has a great girlfriend, he enjoys gardening growing his own vegetables and he is a performing singer/guitarist now writing songs and performing in front of hundreds of people . Just starting out in the business. So he sent my wife Mrs. Flipper and me this E-mail. I've edited it to emphasize the important points indicating my ex-wife's cult mind control influence. Here goes.

    My son started by writing " Hey - This is from my mom. This is why I have had so much trouble trying to force myself to communicate with her. "

    So my ex-wife tried using the " gardening " angle and " music writing " angle to forge a common ground with him in this E-mail. Notice though - how she blows it about halfway through claiming gardening isn't important now- saving lives is. And how my son is rebellious in his music writing.

    So my ex-wife writes , " My dear son, how are you ? Jehovah created the most awesome garden imagined , but only on one small part of the earth and then he told his first human son to have fun making the rest of the earth a garden ! He wanted his son to experience the fun and great pleasure that would come from the experience of growing plants , and yet be able to ask the Master Gardener of all knowledge how plants grow best. "

    She continues, " I can't wait to be a subject in Jehovah's government, rolling up my sleeves, and cleaning up this mess of an earth , and being a part of making the earth beautiful again , just like the makeover shows , with the homes and properties on T.V. Well son - I bought seeds and potting soil , but the time to do search and rescue work came up so fast, lives were more important at the moment - we covered all our territory with Memorial invitations, we went until I got blisters on my feet, then came home and posted invitations to the Memorial on Craig's list. " Did you receive your Memorial invitation son ? We all miss you son, your sisters & brother in laws , even the older ones ask about you. "

    She continues, " Are you finding that your way of life is giving you a deep peace and contentment ? How do you see your life in the future ? I am not trying to be mean son - these are just soul searching questions. Your song called " Rebel Soul " - Is that what you feel like deep down ? I really don't believe that's what your very being wants to be , or to be a model for young children to model their lives after. And I do know this for sure, you would not have your babies around that - if we cannot have faith in our own parents for doing the right thing, who can we have faith in ? Is that why you said you might not ever have children ? I love you son and know you would want to be the best parent ever. "

    She rambles on, " Well son, many are waiting for you to stop allowing Satan to use you as his puppet in this dirty wicked system of things. Please son. There is not much time left, just go to your Heavenly Father, throw everything on Him, He can carry it, and He wants to ! Pray for strength to help that little voice way down deep inside of you - that doesn't feel comfortable with yourself. Your conscience that strikes a chord every now and then, don't step on it, strengthen it. You can never say I didn't try my son - we all want you to be a part of our lives serving our grand Creator together ! Changing our lives don't happen overnight, our heart has to be moved to do so. ( She then invites my son to the special talk April 18th. ) "

    She ends by saying, " Now that I poured my heart out all over these pages - how could I ever show you how much I love you ? I guess by being there for your children after they fall, and help them up, like my Heavenly Father does for me. From the deepest depth of my heart, I love you Flipper junior, love mom. "

    So are you sufficiently exhausted after reading this ? Bet it angers you. Understandable. I wish she would just accept the fact that my son IS happy in his life - he is NOT needing anything from the JW cult. I swear to God these people are so deluded. Have any of you had experiences like this with ex-spouses trying to influence your adult children ? I'm confident my son is strong and not easily influenced - but this sure shows how conditional cult " love " and " caring " is. As always I welcome all your comments. Thanks for reading. Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • sooner7nc

    I don't know whether to puke or just shake my fist in anger.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Wow and I thought my in-laws could lay it on thick ...she is a master at the BS .

  • BabaYaga

    "Well son, many are waiting for you to stop allowing Satan to use you as his puppet in this dirty wicked system of things."





  • Scott77


    I do not have children of my own. Iam somehow, half older than your son. After reading the letter, I was so upset, angered and bewildered as to the way your ex behaved in the most cunning way to try bring bck your son to the cult. I believe her letter is a typical WTS speak. She is walking the talk the watchtower way. Its amazing that she has listened to her son's song and used it to take an issue with him in a way as if what your son stated in the song amounts to a real life practical stuff. Most successful musicians are creative people like what your son is simply doing to earn a living. I cannot judge him for using his creative skill to good use. I am sorry for your ex- as she is certainly a hard core dub, already deeply brainwashed. Iam glad your son stood his ground. Well, its amazing your ex used the Graiglist to advertise memorial talk. I wish she also visted JWN. I think she seems to be internet savvy. I do not want your son to cut off communication with her at this time. I would like your son to write back to her with some questions.

    1) which year was jerusalem destroyed? must provide respected source other than the watchtower.

    2) You can add other questions just to help your ex- research as part of self discovery. You never know what would be the outcome.

    Thank you Mr. Flipper for sharing.


  • asilentone

    good suggestions, Scott77!

  • bobld


    This is a totally brain washed MOM.She says "your way of life....deep peace and contentment" Well yeah, but yours is a slave to the wbts.

    Also GB uses you as their puppet in their evil wicked system of things but you don't see it,they blinded you with their propanganda.

    "There is not much time left"Where have we heard that one before.How many JW are around today since that statement was made.Read your history lady MOM Flipper.

    When you say "Heavenly Father" You really mean the GB.


  • jamiebowers

    I've never received a letter like that from my brain dead jw mom, because I'm df'd, thank GAWD! But I have had the pleaure of hearing my "worldly" aunt recounting a conversation she had with my mom where my wonderful current husband and happy marriage was compared to my crazy jw ex husband and the violent marriage I endured with him. My aunt told my mom that she'd never seen a husband love and care for a wife the way my husband does for me and that I've never been happier. I hope your son uses his creativity with words in a response to his mother about how happy and fulfilling his life is now.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Yep, some moms are really masters of the "guilt trip"! She ought to get an Oscar for that piece of dramatic writing!

    I'm 46 and I still occasionally get that kind of trip from my JW parents. It used to infuriate me, but now I can just laugh it off. I really think they can't help themselves sometimes.

    I'm more protective of my son though, when my parents or ex-husband try to guilt him like that. He's younger (20) and younger people are still a bit more attached to their parents opinions than us middle-agers. So I get your concern, Flipper. For me, there is just the tiniest little bit of fear that it might work some day, and I will lose my best bud back to that religion. Now that would really break this mother's heart!

    I'll tell you what my ex said to my son a few months ago. My ex had just been reproved for adultery and was divorcing me. My son wanted to live with his dad, try bacheloring it with the old man, and I was sad but OK with it. Then my ex told my son he couldn't live with him and his new wife unless he came back to the JW's as he was bad association. It seems my son said the f-bomb too much and that they didn't want him around the little step sister, being a bad influence and all.

    I laughed at the nerve of this when I first heard it. So let me get this son is bad association because he doesn't go to meetings and drops the f-bomb once in a while, but you and your girlfriend have just been publicly reproved for actually f**king other people's spouses and that doesn't make YOU bad association for the kid? Like I said, I had to laugh at the sheer nerve and hypocrisy of it!

    However, when I saw that my son was actually feeling hurt and rejected by this, I became livid. Mama tiger came out. How dare you make my son feel unworthy of you and your crap religion?

    I was really proud of him though. He told his dad, "thanks but no thanks, the cheap rent isn't worth the price your asking". I am proud of that boy sometimes! Heavy metal listening, satanic t-shirt wearing little rocker that he is! Anyway, he's living with me now and we get along better than ever and we are both just so relaxed now!

    I think your son will be just fine too, Flipper. Not many young people can resist the unconditional love and acceptance of the non-JW parent. In the end, that's all most kids want.

    So, this thread and email has really just made me want to hear your son's "Rebel" song that made his mother get so bent out of shape. Can you post a link?


  • GLTirebiter

    I really don't believe that's what your very being wants to be , or to be a model for young children to model their lives after.

    And I do know this for sure, you would not have your babies around that...
    Well son, many are waiting for you to stop allowing Satan to use you as his puppet

    Wow, what a guilt trip! The sad part is, it's obvious from the tone and wording of this message that she actually believes it. She really thinks your son is a tool of the devil because he doesn't do what the organization says to do. I'm happy for your son, that he's able to see through it and start making a life for himself. I'm sad for your ex, that she is so blinded by the organization that she can't imagine any other life.

    Peace to you too, Flipper!

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