Watched hours of the Masters this weekend. Great golf, beautiful course. Tiger Woods played damned good. But, one thing that kept coming to mind as I watched was his lack of...what?...class?....poise? I was impressed with the skill and demeanor of the others in the chase on Sunday. Then at the end of the game the CBS guy had a brief interview with TW. What a pouty little egomaniac. No good natured congrats to the guys who beat him. Just his grim disapointment that he didn't win. I feel he is going to lose the "rooting" support he has always garnered from fans, including me. He may be a great golfer but a rather cold human being.
Tiger Woods is somehow getting tiresome already...
by Gregor 42 Replies latest social physical
He ought to send flowers to Sandra Bullock for having a bigger scandal than his and distracting the media to some fresh meat.
If all the good things that have come his way, money and fame, solid wife, beautiful baby, couldn't stop him from indulging in sticky pants sluts with penis breath then maybe Bootyism will save him.
Darth plaugeis
At the beginning of this, I said to myself "Is this what we've sunk to picking on a golfer...???" A GOLFER PEOPLE HE IS A GOLFER!! Who cares. Oh my god Tiger woods has had sex with more than 20-30 woman and he is married (and here is the big news) he wasn't a rock star from the 70's. You can get laided by playing golf??? And from hot chicks??? This is the BIG NEWS!! Golf = sex REALLY? Did I miss a memo somewhere? To think who spends there Sunday's in front of the TV watching GOLF!!!!! If you do I'm sorry.............. maybe Suicide is for you then. WAKE UP IT"S F&%^ING GOLF!!!!!!! Hey I hear the Champ from Scrabble is a real male WHORE TOO. Wantta watch???? Imagine a story like this from the 70's.... A rock Star toured with a 14 year old all year long.... Oh Yeah his name was JIMMY PAGE!!! No offense to the Jimmy Page from this Forum. Then to hear he checked into rehab for SEX ADDICTION, Really that's the best you could come up with? Sex Addiction, I'm F$%king poor as dirt and I could come up with something better than that.... Sex Addiction??? Sounds like " I'm not addicted to Cocaine I just like the way it smells". And this is the FU&*ING STORY I've heard for the last 4 months. The only reason I know Tiger Woods is from his 1 take commercial some 10 years ago. Bouncing a F@&ING GOLF BALL ON HIS CLUB. Not that I'm into the whole let's save Hati thing(not making lite of the Hati tragedy), but really how much time was invested into this Tiger WUZ thing and could been invested else where that could've meant a F%#KING THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I hear the Champ from Scrabble is a real male WHORE TOO. Wantta watch????
Omg that's funny! Thanks for the giggle.
Poor people are sluts who can't keep it in their pants and get saved down at the local church so their wife won't throw their clothes outside the double people are sexual addicts who need to check into a rehab so their wives won't divorce them and take half their money.
keyser soze
Well-said, mindmelda!
I was actually glad to see Tiger overshadowed on the last day by Phil Mickelson winning for his wife. That was actually an inspirational story.
He may be a great golfer but a rather cold human being.
Gregor ...
My sentiments exactly.
His comments at the end were all "me, me, me." Even Lee Westwood, who finished second, acknowledged that the "better man (Mickelson) won today" and hoped that he too would have the fortune of winning a major in the future.
But Tiger ... not a kind word to say about anyone and just complaining how poorly he played and didn't win.
Win or lose, Mickelson showed class that is uncommon and is a wonderful human being. Putting his family first and golf second shows he is a real human being with love and compassion: not just an egotistical robot who is programmed to hit a golf ball.
Rub a Dub
I watached a clip of an interview with Mickelson just after he won the Masters. He talked about how he wanted this win for his family (both his wife and mother have breast cancer), you could see how emotional this win was for him. I didn't bother to watch Tiger's comments. I think the better man won in more ways than one.
I'm chuckling to myself while reading this thread, no disrespect to any of you, but you guys come off like scorned women. Maybe you should hire Gloria Alred. Jay-Z had a line that makes me think of this thread, "you're not feeling me, fine. It costs you nothing, pay me no mind." Reading the comments here, makes me think some of you have emotional stake in what Tiger does. Any of you married to him? Granted, I didnt see the interview in question, however I'd be willing to gamble, the interviewer asked Tiger about Tiger's game, and how Tiger felt considering the long layoff. The interviewer didnt ask Tiger to give a shout out to Mickelson, or pray for his wife. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Tiger stan, but I don't recall him ever not giving credit where credit is due to whomever won, when he lost. You folks are looking wayyyyyy too far into this.