Tiger Woods is somehow getting tiresome already...

by Gregor 42 Replies latest social physical

  • stillajwexelder

    I am not AGREEING with what Tiger has done, I just UNDERSTAND it that is all

  • Gregor

    From what I hear, as of today his wife has decided she is tired of his act also. He will be playing a tournament in Atlanta next and coincidentally one of his former play prettys will be in town at the same time.

    He wuvs dat poose, yama, yama, yum....

  • freydo

    What if Jackie Robinson had behaved in such a manner?

    The Official Site of Jackie Robinson
    Apr 26, 2010 ... Official Website of Jackie Robinson, containing stats, photos, and biography


    Many Black celebrities, including Obama, don't seem to realize their damage to the legacy of the likes of Robinson and Martin Luther King.

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