If I'm God, and I'm the one who can create the rules, I can do whatever I want, right?
There is the crux of the matter, IF God created RULES, there must be a reason for them.
It's nice to imagine a world a certain way, without haveing to thing what needs to be different for it to be that way and what is lost for the world to be that way, but that doesn't mean it would work.
There is no good without evil, since one pretty much defines the other.
To have a world where cause and effect are not inter realted or where an isolated act doesn't effect anything else woudl mean being in a world with no relationships, so much for free will then.
If you are not free to do what you choose because you have no choice, then you are not free nor do you have free will.
We all would like to picture a world the way WE want it to be, but what about one the way THAT person wants it to be? what about HIm or Her?