For those who believe on the beginning of the 1,000 year reign, all humanity resurrected or during that time, please show some scriptures to back it up. I just don't see it.
There aren't any, dear EOM... and peace to you!
The chronology is:
1. Christ returns and gathers his chosen ones, both those who died (who are resurrected, and so the "first" resurrection), and those who have not died (and so are changed) - this being the fulfillment of the statement "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me and had died will be brought back to life and he that believes in me and has NOT died... will NEVER die"...
2. Satan is bound and abyssed...
3. Christ and his co-rulers sit down on thrones and "separate" the sheep from the goats... a process which takes "1,000" years...
4. Once that task has concluded, Satan is loosed and goes out to mislead Gog (the goats who are "cut off" from entry)... and Magog (the spirits that have been reserved for destruction)... into thinking they can actually again entry to the "Holy City" (made up of people)... wherein is the Tree of Life (Christ)... so as to eat and live forever...
5. Which misleading he does by means of three "unclean inspired expressions that look like frogs"... (which causes the wild beast and false prophet to be cast into the Lake of Fire (Gehenna))...
6. But rather than let them gain access, fire comes down from the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... and destroys them... (which is the fulfillment of the statement "the heavens and earth that are NOW are reserved for FIRE" - referring to spirit BEINGS ("heavens") and FLESH ("earth")... and NOT the physical planet earth or the sky... or the spirit realm)...
7. And Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire (where the wild beast and false prophet now are)
8. At which point my Lord turns the kingdom back over to the Father... because it is GOD who judges (i.e., "the Judge of all")... and NOT Christ...
9. Who sits down on His throne TO judge... (which is what both Daniel AND John saw)...
10. So that scrolls (2 sets) are given Him...
11. And the sea, Death, and Hades, etc., all "give up" those dead in them... so that THIS is the "second" resurrection which NOW takes place...
12. And those who are not found in the Lamb's Book [of Life]... so as to have their sins "blotted" out of the other book (scroll) are cast into the Lake of Fire... which is the SECOND death (i.e., first in the body and now in the body AND spirit).
I hope this helps!
A slave of Christ,