No I don't believe anyone here has been permanently warped by the Borg any more than your parents could do the same to you.

by gubberningbody 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    You don't need anyone to understand you (agree with you).

    Sometimes they do and you don't which is why they do and you don't.

  • Gayle

    It is a "double impact." Parents and the religion they are raised in both impact children. Especially if both are highly strict and highly controlling the impact is deep. Your youth cannot be erased nor dismissed. It was foundational. If your youth had a lot of disfunction and negativity, a lot of brain re-circuitry has to be done.

    That's why now-a-days very abusive parents are more recognized and extremely harsh treatment toward children is not acceptable. Telling children frequently that they are bad and being told regularly that their god could destroy them over any little thing, like eating a birthday cupcake at school or not sitting absolutely still at very boring Bible meetings can warp them to be very rebellious or have deep depression.

    When I went through divorce, I read a book by a marriage and divorce counselor. He said although there may be exceptions, his rule of thumb was that people who divorced, that it took on average for every 5 years married/in relationship that it took 1 year to recover, to become generally recovered and again healthfully into their own singular personhood again. Otherwise, there is baggage brought into a second relationship or marriage too soon. I thought, though some/many may disagree with me, that the ratio might be roughly the same leaving a cult. Anyway, it takes time.

  • Cinnamon (TOO)
    Cinnamon (TOO)

    Sorry, I'm late to the game but I have to add my two cents:

    I would like to call bullsh*t on the following statement--

    "If you left the Borg in a dramatic fashion, within 8-12 weeks of adjustment you'd be pretty much as happy as you've ever been."

    That may be true in some circumstances. However, as someone who was forcibly removed from the only life they knew and thrown into a life that they were raised to fear and abhor, it took me a lot longer than a few months to return to baseline. Try a over a decade. If the PI of this study would like to pay my therapy bills, I will gladly entertain this little observation.

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