Jehovah's Witnesses---A Religion That Does Nothing For Anyone

by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • garyneal

    Well, there you have it. Some believe that witnesses are charitable, others do not. The charitable acts performed by witnesses are viewed with suspicion (primarily benefit witnesses, others are a consequence).

    When I ask my wife about this, she just says that the witnesses do not make a 'big show' of it like churches do. Therefore, she views charitable acts performed by churches with suspicion too.

  • GLTirebiter

    I have seen charitable JWs, acting on their own initiative to help many causes: Habitat for Humanity, therapy for the disabled, the local Children's Home (for troubled teens), etc. My Ex is one of those Witnesses, and I'm proud of her for that.

    What I have not seen is any significant charity organized or encouraged by the WT organization, benefitting anybody other than JWs and "studies". That is a huge contrast to most other churches in this area: one of the first things you get upon joining them is a list of organizations that need volunteers, everywhere from the homeless shelter to Salvation Army bell-ringers.

    Consider Matt 25:34-40: the local synagogue does more of the Lord's work that the Kingdom Hall.

  • upnorth

    The WBATS is a the Pharisees of this age.

    It and the people it seduces are no closer to God then my dog.

    I've been involved with Kingdom Hall wide events as a kid and the only goal was arrogant self promotion of the congregation.

    As an adult I've been involved with church events of different sizes and function. If the function was to help someone or some cause and build membership that was stated upfront. If the goal was to help out of compassion then the help was given with no expectation.

  • Podobear

    Oh Moshe.. I really wonder if you were in the same religion as most of us here? It is Jehovah who judges, not you, not me, as Truthlover has pointed out.

    Frankly, if you want this tyrranical world to continue... then you have missed the whole point of the gospel itself. MOST of the JW's I knew were kind hearted and generous people... I can never fully repay that love. I hope I can, in some way, when and if I meet them again. [Though most of these golden oldies are awaiting the resurrection now].

    Each will know where he/she stands on the great day, and the JW message I preached was one of Life not Death. I guess it is which side of the looking glass you want to look through. Having a terminal disease makes you think differently, Moshe. My hat off to all Nurses, Doctors and Medics..... and the many JW's I knew/know who are among them... reaching out to help in a sore and tired old world.

    The Gospel is LIFE and the destruction of all death and its causes. Don't you want that any more Moshe??

  • moshe

    The Gospel is LIFE and the destruction of all death and its causes. Don't you want that any more Moshe??

    I converted to Judaism (my wife's faith) in 2001. It is up to humans to make the world a better place- G-d does none of the "work" part.

  • WalkTall

    I know of a young brother once who wanted to help out Habitat for Humanity. He was told by an elder that he would have to do research first to make sure there was no religious affiliation. Who else, but JW's would care about that? Even if it was associated with a church, it is the poor and disadvantaged that benefit from this volunteer work, not the church.

    I think it is that mentality that many are speaking against here. Yes, many JW's contribute to other charities, but it is not encouraged, and if too much time were to be spent in volunteer activities, you would be considered spiritually weak. It is one of those subliminal thoughts that the Society plants into our heads. I remember the first time I gave $20 to a cancer drive, I actually felt guilty about it. Part of me knew it was ridiculous to feel like I had done something wrong, but it is just one of their many mind games.

  • minimus

    The thrust of a JWs life is to take care of themselves, their family members and THEN the congregation members. Looking out for the interests of nonjws is never encouraged. That's a pretty simple fact of JW life.

  • Podobear

    Moshe.. if you truly believe that then, is it really necessary to be so terse about the humble efforts made by many to make the world a better place? Broad brush strokes lead to xenophobia and persecution as you should well know. Praise the good that many JW's do.. and minimus, again, I simply do not agree with your broad brush strokes either.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    podobear; You should run as fast as you can back to your local kingdom hall since you think jw's do such great work. I'll expect to here all the great work you did out in field service, in a few days. Preaching the wts GOSPEL OF 1914 AND DEATH TO ANY THAT DON'T WANT TO BE COME JW'S.. that's what the wt teaches if you haven't figured it out yet. try telling those few jw's that you say are so giving that you don't believe in the WT is JEHOVAH'S ORG. then come back and tell me how nice they are then...

  • moshe

    JW's think they do a "life saving work". because the WT tells them so and they hear it at the meetings and assemblies, too. They might be saving the life of the WT corporation. JW's wrote the book on persecution, Podobear. They will destroy a family, if the elders tell them so and so is no longer a JW and not of "our sort". The public opinion is that JW's are nice looking folks who aren't nice neighbors. A few crumbs of personal charity by JW's with a conscience, do not erase destroying families and killing their members and children over a false blood transfusion dogma.- I am sorry you think I was terse, but public opinion is not on the side of the JW's.

    Kind words are not true and true words are not kind. That is a fact of life most of the time.

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